2010.07.07 星期三座談:The Digital Hand : Drawing,Filming,Digitalising | 數位之手:繪畫、素描、拍攝、數位操作

07.07星期三座談_ 數位之手:繪畫、素描、拍攝、數位操作

The Digital Hand:Drawing, Filming, Digitalising


本展為法籍學者Dominique Paini策展,林志明老師協同策展,配合這次展出,首先邀請BLANCA CASAS BRULLET, HELENE DELPRAT, MARIE DROUET, VALERIE SONNIER 四位參展法籍藝術家,在TCAC舉辦一場精彩的暖身座談!!!



展覽簡介 / 國立台灣美術館


「數位之手:繪畫、素描、拍攝、數位操作」展由前法國電影資料館館長多明尼克˙巴依尼教授策展,邀集了十九位法國藝術家、三位台灣藝術家:姚瑞中、王俊傑、王雅慧,共約200件手繪及錄像作品參與展出,企圖呈現當代藝術家如何透過素描/ 繪畫及拍製動態影像兩個途徑,將腦海中的構想及思維「描繪」而出,構成某種當代藝術創作傾向之一致性與歧異性,同時對這樣的思考及實踐過程提出「當代描繪disegno:繪畫及攝錄像」的概念。

活動相關訊息: http://www.ntmofa.gov.tw/

With the popularity of digital photo taking and editing tools, many artists have begun to take recording or animation as their methods of practicing art. Sketches or paintings with a strong “handmade” feature have always been many artists’ principle way to construct and interpret their inspirations. With this phenomenon serving as its starting point, The Digital Hand: Drawing, Filming, Digitalising aims to discuss whether digitalization and drawing become similar and entangle with each other, when the two seemingly parallel means of art are applied by a single artist? Also, what kind of innovative and diverse relationships would the two develop?


The Digital Hand: Drawing, Filming, Digitalising is curated by professor Dominique Paini, former president of the Cinémathèque Française, who invited 19 French artists and 3 Taiwanese artists, Yao Jui-Chung, Wang Jun-Jieh, and Wang Ya-Hui, and exhibited 200 painting and recording works. The exhibition aims to show how contemporary artists “picture” their ideas and thinking with the media of sketching/ painting and shooting films and to put forward the concept of “Disegno: painting and recording images” through the process of thinking and practicing art.

