2011.12.23 Thursday Bar : Fusion of Color and Sound: Live Collaboration Concert of Painting and Pipa | 星期四酒吧:全求新藝術 繪畫與琵琶的二重奏:跨界即興-琵琶音樂”繪”


12.23星期四酒吧-全求新藝術  繪畫與琵琶的二重奏:跨界即興-琵琶音樂“繪”7pm

間:2010.12.23  7pm



日本抽象畫家—–小柴博昭( Koshiba Hiroaki)

台灣琵琶演奏家—–駱昭勻(LUO CHAO YUN)


台灣琵琶演奏家—–駱昭勻,邀請日本著名抽象畫大師—–小柴博昭先生,於2010年12月23日~26日共同在台合作『跨界即興– 琵琶音樂“繪”』即興台灣巡迴音樂會。這將是兩人首度於台灣攜手合作,本次除了在TCAC的演出,還包括12/24晚上八點半在[學校咖啡館]以及12/25在[海邊的卡夫卡] 等多場演出




駱昭勻(Luo Chao-yun)

臺灣(Taiwan)琵琶演奏家--駱昭勻(Luo Chao-yun)官方網站:http://myspace.com/pipawoman
著名臺灣(Taiwan)琵琶演奏家--駱昭勻(Luo Chao-yun),畢業于國立臺北藝術大學音樂系,主修琵琶,獲學士學位。畢業於北京中央音樂學院民族器樂系,獲琵琶演奏碩士學位。曾任教于東南科技大學、元培科學技術大學、清雲科技大學等通識教育中心、國立新竹教育大學音樂系,並每年擔任全國琵琶比賽、全國大學音樂科系聯招入學考試評審委員。
曾以獨奏家身份受邀出訪臺灣(多次)、北京(多次)、新加坡、馬來西亞(兩次)、葡萄牙、巴基斯坦、尼泊爾、哥斯大黎加(兩次)、義大利、美國(三次)、英國(三次)、荷蘭(兩次)、巴西、保加利亞、日本、北賽普勒斯、印尼等國之重大國際音樂節與藝術節上舉辦琵琶巡迴獨奏會、即興演奏會、協奏曲,座無虛席,其演奏風格典雅,深受各國媒體評論界及樂迷們的喜愛。並以訪問教授身份客座講學及教學於葡萄牙里斯本音樂學(Conservatorio Nacional-Lisboa, Portugal)、葡萄牙里斯本科技大學東方學院(Instituto do Oriente, Instituto Superior de Ciencias Sociais e Politicas, Polo Universitario do Alto da Ajuda, Lisboa, Portugal)、葡萄牙里斯本獨立大學(University de Indepedencia, Lisboa, Portugal)、葡萄亞國立音樂教育學院(Associacao Musica-Educacao e Cultura, Instituicao de utilidade publica, Lisboa, Portugal)、英國國立布萊頓大學(University of Brighton, UK)、英國蘭卡斯特大學(Lancaster University, UK)、哥斯大黎加埃雷迪亞國立大學音樂學院(Escuela de Musica-Heredia Universidad National, Costa Rica)、國立哥斯大黎加大學音樂系(UNA, Costa Rica)、哥斯大黎加大學音樂系(UCR, Cotsa Rica)、馬來西亞慧音社華樂團、荷蘭Zwolle音樂學院(Conservatory of Music in Zwolle, The Netherlands)、美國賓州桑德曼音樂學院(Sunderman Conservatory of Music, Gettysburg College, USA)、美國加州州立大學洛杉磯分校(CSULA, USA)、印尼高級中學(Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri I)、臺灣師範大學音樂系、交通大學音研所『九五音樂論壇』演講系列、國立臺灣大學音研所、臺灣科技大學、中華大學、義守大學、高雄第一科技大學、輔英大學、嘉義大學音樂系、正修大學、聯合大學、元智大學、長榮大學等。同時也於英國倫敦多所小學舉辦琵琶示範工作坊,教授琵琶並致力於琵琶音樂的推廣。2004年出版第一張個人獨奏專輯,深受好評。2006年8月出版第二張個人獨奏專輯『PIPA』,同時由著名記錄片製作人—–陳星洲先生製作琵琶音樂MV于巴西電視臺播放。2008年參與哥斯大黎加著名電子音樂大師—–Jose Duarte『We and You—–Asia and Latin America』專輯的琵琶即興。將於2009年11與土耳其箸名電子即興音樂大師—–Erdem Helvacioglu于臺灣發行即興二重奏專輯。
歷年來共同搭檔之各國著名藝術家及團體:John Russell(英國吉他手),Sabu Toyozumi(日本搖滾爵士鼓手),Veryan Weston(英國鋼琴家),陳家怡(臺灣作曲家),Yasudah(印度尼西亞搖滾鍵盤暨人聲手),John Butcher(英國薩克斯風手)、Lol Coxhill(英國高音薩克斯風手),Shabaka HutchingS(英國吹管手),Henry Lowther(英國小號手),Hannah Marshall(英國大提琴手),Pat Thomas(英國鍵盤手),John Edwards(英國低音大提琴手),Jean Bordé(法國低音大提琴手),Angelika Sheridan(德國長笛手),Ute Völker(德國手風琴手),Satoko Fukuda(日本小提琴手),Rodrigo Montoya(巴西三昧線音樂家),Yedo Gibson(巴西吹管手),彭奕凱(馬來西亞指揮),Paul Pallesen(荷蘭班卓琴演奏家),張怡蓁(臺灣電小提琴暨薩他爾演奏家),Marcio Mattos(巴西大提琴手),Oscar Jan Hoogland(荷蘭鋼琴家),Angel Faraldo(荷蘭電子音樂家),Yusuke Akai(日本吉他手),Yolanda Uriz(西班牙長笛手),Marie Guilleray(法國人聲藝術家),Paul Austerlitz(美國低音豎笛手),Audrey Chen(美國華裔大提琴手暨人聲音樂家),Ehran Elisha(以色列爵士鼓手),杜翠煙(臺灣鋼琴家),Anita Hustas(澳洲低音貝司手),Soo Jung Kae(南韓鋼琴家),Leonel Kaplan(阿根廷小號手),林法(臺灣古琴演奏家),Bettina Koziol(德國聲樂家),Marvi La Spina(義大利鋼琴家),Corrie van Binsbergen(荷蘭電吉他手),Bojan Vuletic(德國吉他演奏家),陳星洲(臺灣視覺設計藝術家),James Webster(紐西蘭毛利吹管樂器演奏家),Nate Wooley(美國小號手),Hazel Leach(荷蘭長笛手),Jeffery Lependorf(美國尺八演奏家),陳暐凱(臺灣太極表演藝術家),Jocelyn Swigger(美國鋼琴家),Ursel Schlicht(德國鋼琴家),Alessandro Bosetti(義大利薩克管暨電子音樂作曲家),黃志方(臺灣實驗電子作曲家),Jose Duarte(哥斯大黎加實驗電子作曲家),Aleksandar Stamatov(馬其頓冬不拉演奏家),Celia Malheiros(巴西人聲暨吉他手),胡與之(臺灣鋼琴家),Radu Vincu(羅馬尼亞小提琴手),Erdem Helvacioglu(土耳其電子音樂即興音樂家),姜曉豔(旅日中國二胡演奏家),新宅雅和(日本鋼琴家),Phil Minton(英國歌手),Federico Reuben(哥斯大黎加電子音樂家),Julie Bartholomew(澳洲裝置藝術家),馬來西亞慧音社華樂團,新加坡文禮華樂團,羅馬尼亞Bamatul Folk Group Timisoara樂團,英國Kairos Electronic Ensemble樂團等。

葡萄牙里斯本大學文學院著名之Prof. Herr聽完其演奏後接受媒體採訪說:「簡直是天堂傳來之美妙聲音,人間絕無僅有!」
英國著名表演藝術家Konrad Fredericks聽完其現場獨奏會後直呼:「簡直不可思議,一把琵琶就能演奏出百人交響樂團的效果出來!」

英國—–《BBC Radio 3》、《倫敦中央社》。
巴基斯坦—–《Inter-national Press Of Pakistan》、《The Nation》、《Pakistan Television Video》、《Pvt》、《Indus News》。
尼泊爾—–《Spacetime Dainik》、《Ntv Metro》、《Nepal Samacharpatra》。
哥斯大黎加—–《Informe Once中南美衛星電視臺》、《La Nacion》、《La Prensa Libre》、《Radio Nacional de Costa Rica》、《Radio 911》。
美國—–紐約《The Independent》、賓州《GETTYSBURG TIMES》、《美國多維新聞網》、《大紀元美國新聞》。
荷蘭—–《Chinese Radio》、《Isaac_listening’s Xanga Site》。
巴西—–《中華電視公司—–巴西宏觀衛星電視臺》專欄、《Gazeta Do Sul》、《Zero Hora》、《美洲華報》、《巴拉圭華僑服務站》、《Ministério da Cultura do Brasil internet》、《Universia Brasil》、《Gazeta Da Serra》。
北賽普勒斯—–《GENÇ TV – AVRASYA TV》。
印尼—–《Vedac FM Radio無線電臺》、《KOMPAS》、《Kedaulatan Rakyat》、《ETTY CAKRANINGRAT》、《DEMOTIX》。


小柴博昭( Koshiba Hiroaki)

Live painting at Cafe Pause, Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Mar 16th 2008  Abstract painter Hiroaki Koshiba studies the relationship between music and images to create a body of abstract paintings rich with color, movement, and energy.  Drawing much of his inspiration from sound, Koshiba paints to musical recordings letting them guide his brush to create unique and spirited compositions.  More recently, Koshiba has taken his musical art to new levels, incorporating performance into his works.  Painting in public spaces throughout Tokyo, Beijing, Missouri, and New York, Koshiba collaborates with live musicians to create a multi sensory experience for the audience.  After the performance, the result is a fully realized work of abstract painting.  Reminiscent of an impromptu Jazz performance, these “Sound Images”, as the artist calls them, are created without any previous planning yet result in harmoniously balanced completed works.  Working in his own visual lexicon of lines and dots, Koshiba concentrates on the sounds elicited by the musicians’ instruments to guide his mark making process. The music’s mood, dynamic, tempo, and key help the artist select colors to interpret the music through visual means.A native of Japan, emerging artist Hiroaki Koshiba is deeply influenced by the vibrant works of abstract founding father Vassily Kandinsky.  Drawing on the master’s own emotive use of color, line, and texture, Koshiba further innovates the style of abstract painting through his imaginative collaborations and performances. 1979.4 Born in Yokohama, Japana

1998.4 Started painting

2001.4 First group exhibition at Artist In Tokyo

2001.7 Live painting with Kenichirou Nishihara at Loop, Tokyo

2001.10 Group exhibition at Artist In, Tokyo

2002.1 “FLASHBACK” exhibition at Design Festa Gallery, Tokyo

2002.3 “Untitled” exhibition collaboration with Kenichirou Nishihara

2003.1 First solo exhibition at Artist In, Tokyo

2004.7 “FLASHBACK 2” exhibition at Design Festa Gallery, Tokyo

2004.12 CD cover design of “Team Asakusabashi” (Male Choir)

2005.1  Collaboration and CD cover design of “Christmas Illusion 2” by Channing Kennedy (Entei and Whitesnake)

2005.7 “SOUND IMAGES” solo exhibition at Design Festa Gallery, Tokyo, live painting with Channing Kennedy and Jerusalem & the Starbaskets, with internet and video live broadcasting connection between Tokyo and

Columbia, Missouri (US)

2005.8 “COLOUR PERCEPTIONS” solo exhibition at RBR, Tokyo

2005.10“LINES” solo exhibition at Der Schmied, Kagawa

2005.11 Live painting with Takaki Koshiba, ‘Hiroo Art On’ at Acqua pazza, Tokyo

2005.11“LINES” solo exhibition at hair salon Bleu, Tokyo

2006.1 Live painting shows with Jerusalem & the Starbaskets, produced by Channing Kennedy, at Maude Vintageand Ragtag theater in Columbia, Missouri, USA

2006.3  Live painting at RBR (paint party), Tokyo

2006.4 “Color Waves” exhibition and live painting at art restaurant Pink Cow, Tokyo

2006.7  Live painting and exhibition at PH gallery, New York, USA

2006.8  Live painting at RBR, collaboration with drummer Tony Holroyd at RBR,Tokyo

2006.8 “Rhythm of the Composition” exhibition and live painting at Cafe Pause, Tokyo

2006.10 Live painting and group exhibition at Monkdogz Urban Art gallery, New York, USA*Live painting with

Channing Kennedy & Jeremy Freeze

2006.11 Live painting ‘Mind Vitamin’ at Super Deluxe, Tokyo

2006.11 Live painting with Takaki Koshiba ‘Hiroo Art On’ at Emon Photo gallery, Tokyo

2007,5  Live painting at Midi music festival with F.R.O.M, Beijing, China

2007.5 Live painting at Space Geisho, Beijing 798 Art District, Beijing, China

2007.7 Live painting at Ai Gallery, Niigata, Japan

2007.8 Live painting at Space Geisho, Beijing 798 Art District, Beijing, China

2007.11 Live painting at Bed Bar with DJ Takunori, Beijing, China

2007.12 Live painting at Bed Bar with DJ Takunoti, Beijing, China

2008.3 ‘Harmonic Lines, exhibition and live at Cafe Pause, Tokyo

2008.3 ‘Spring’ Live painting with Shantell Martin at Cafe Pause, Tokyo

2008.6 ‘Sound Lines’ Live painting with Takamitsu Nagano at Cafe Pause, Tokyo

2008.8 ‘Sound Images’ Live painting with Yuri Hiranuma at Koendori Classics, Tokyo

2008.8 ‘Sound vs.Color’ Live painting with Jaakko Eino Kalevi at mbar, Myymala2, Helsinki, Finland

2008.9  Live painting ‘Australian Flavor Biz nite’ with DJ James Carstensen  at Daikanyama Tableaux, Tokyo

2008.10 Solo exhibition and live painting at Fringe Gallery, Fringe Club, Hong Kong

2008.11 Live painting ‘Fragment art show’ at Super Deluxe, Tokyo

2008.12 ‘Improvisation, live at Yokohama Airegin’ with Neil Stalnaker at Yokohama Airegin, Yokohama

2009.1 ‘Sound vs.Color2, live with Jaakko Eino Kalevi at Cafe Pause, Tokyo

2009.2 Cafe Pause 5th anniveersary event, live with Takaaki Koshiba, Cafe Pause, Tokyo

2009.3 Live with Takamitsu Nagano, Bullet’s, Tokyo

2009.6 Live Painting at NYAB(New York Art Beat) 1st Anniversary Party,

Dumbo Arts Center(DAC), Brooklyn, New York, USA

2009.8 ‘Sound vs.Color3, live with Jaakko Eino Kalevi at B-gallery, Turku, Finland

2009.9 Live Painting with Neil Stalnaker, Yokohama Airegin, Yokohama

2009.9 Live Painting at Cafe Kafka Taipei, Taiwan

Official website



