2010 Forum Biennial : Jun YANG “Paris Syndrome” | 楊俊《巴黎症候群》









16:9 DV有聲投影


在那些被調派到巴黎工作,或去過巴黎渡假的日本人身上,診斷出了一種稱為「巴黎症候群」的精神性失調病症,這是由於他們無法在夢境般的幻想與城市的 現實生活之間取得平衡,而造成了精神性的創傷。巴黎,一個被美化得彷彿仙境般的城市,充滿了愛與魅力十足的巴黎人;這不免也是一種具有負面效應的文化衝 擊,是「夢想/模擬/印象/期待」與「真實/現世」的正面相遇。作品影片在中國廣州鄰近的住宅區拍攝,主人翁與身處的周遭環境宛若都陷入了失落之境,迷失 在情境與時間的經緯度裡;換置在過去的世界中,是另一個烏托邦,抑或是一幕電影的佈景。







2010 「關於遺忘與記憶的一則短篇」個展,ShugoArts,東京

2008 「巴黎症」個展,維他命創意空間,廣州,中國


2007 個展,馬丁‧楊達畫廊,維也納,奧地利

2006 「2006利物浦雙年展」,利物浦泰德美術館,利物浦,英國

2005 「藝術經驗」,第五十一屆威尼斯雙年展,威尼斯,義大利

2004 個展,Büro Friedrich畫廊,柏林,德國

2002 「第四屆宣言展」,法蘭克福,德國

2001 「回家。日常生活的掙扎─版本D00」個展,萊比錫當代藝術中心,萊比錫,德國

1999 「卡奧爾之春」,卡奧爾,法國




Paris Syndrome


2007 / 2008

Approx 10mins

16:9 DV projection with sound


Paris syndrome is a psychological disorder, diagnosed on Japanese working or on vacation in Paris. It is a traumata arriving from the inability to reconcile between their dream-image and the harsh reality of Paris. Paris as a fairy-tale city, as the city of love, a city of charming Frenchmen. A kind of negative cultural shock. Dream/Simulation/Image/Wish meets Reality/the real World. Shot in residential areas in Guangzhou (China), where both the environment and the two protagonist seem lost; lost in context and in time, placed in a world of some past, another utopia or a stage-set of a movie. Filmed on location in 2007. (Text by Jun YANG.)



b. 1975. Now lives and works in Vienna, Yokohama and Taipei.


Selected Exhibitions


2010    Solo exhibition- A Short-Story on Forgetting and Remembering, ShugoArts, Tokyo, Japan


2008    Solo exhibition-Paris Syndrome, Vitamin Creative Space, Guangzhou, China

Taipei Biennial, Taipei, Taiwan


2007    Solo exhibition- Galerie Martin Janda, Wien, Austria


2006    Liverpool Biennial International 06, Liverpool Biennial, Tate Liverpool, Liverpool, UK


2005    The Experience of Art, La Biennale di Venezia, the 51st International art Exhibition, Venice, Italy


2004    Solo exhibition, Büro Friedrich, Berlin, Germnay

2002    Manifesta 4, Frankfurt, Germnay