2019.12.13 – 29 Sensuous Tua-Tiu-Tiann

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時間:2019.12.13 – 29,12.16週一特別開放,活動場次請見各活動簡介


🎧🎧 單元一:〈1# 選擇〉,聲線計畫:沈森森、吳其育、致穎

場次:12.13 – 12.22,每日14:00╱16:00,每場最多限五人。
12.24 – 12.29,每日14:00╱15:00,每場最多限五人。


💆💆‍♂️ 單元二:〈我行按摩〉,魏欣妍

場次:12.16 – 12.22,每日13:30╱14:30╱15:30╱16:30╱17:30╱18:30,每次限一人。
12.24 – 12.29,採預約制。請寫信至 office@tcac.tw 或以 messenger 預約。

藝術家魏欣妍以業餘按摩工作者將為觀眾服務「我行按摩。」我行一方面諧音五行,也表示藝術家為自己打氣之意。從ASMR(自發性知覺高潮反應英語:Autonomous sensory meridian response,縮寫ASMR)受到啟發,按摩部位皆為一般按摩服務較不著重之處,如梳頭、按摩鼻子、或手等部位。有別於遍佈大稻埕地區的其他按摩坊,藝術家企圖以觸覺、嗅覺、聽覺等刺激,促使參與者對自己不同於視覺的感官有更寬廣的探索。



場次:12.21 – 12.22,2-6pm,請事先寫信至 office@tcac.tw 或是 FB messenger報名





魏欣姸,1986 年出生於臺灣台北。她的創作透過攝影、錄像和行為藝術等媒介探索不同層面的親密感:公眾與私領域、文化和社會及個人與感官之間纖細摸不著邊卻又不可或缺。曾於台北尚畫廊和高雄院子劇場舉行個展,聯展和現場行為展演包含於紐約皇后美術館及皇后區植物園、倫敦 Rich Mix、西雅圖 CoCA 當代藝術中心、芝加哥 EXPO 藝術博覽會、金澤 21 世紀美術館等處。畢業於芝加哥藝術學院主修藝術創作,目前於台北居住與工作。

「lololol」是循環的笑聲,0與1構成無盡陰陽變化,同時演示電腦語言的基礎脈動。lololol時而喜出望外、暗自竊喜、或喜怒不形於色。lololol 悠遊於虛實之間的地平線上,不受限於制定的文化邏輯或角色扮演,時而發出的滄海一聲笑。

*超過五人團體參觀可事先 email 至 office@tcac.tw 預約。

Sensuous Tua-Tiu-Tiann

Time: 2019.12.13 – 22,open on Monday 12.16, detailed schedule could be found in each part
Venue:Taipei Contemporary Art Center and its neighborhood

Different sensations aggregate to become our dailiness. Senses are not only mediation between the physical body and its environment, but also mediums that encode and decode exposed information. When visuality became the dominant sensory faculty with the development of modernity, human beings seemed to forget how senses of hearing, touching and smelling communicate and connect with seeing. Our language consequently lacks the verbs for auditory, tactile and olfactory experiences. To re-enact our sensory experiences, Sensuous Tua-Tiu-Tiann is a series of programs focusing on explore and comprehend this neighborhood through senses except for vision. It is also a celebration of our settlement in the historical area of Taipei for the fourth year. We convivially invite you to creatively portray the landscape of Tua-Tiu-Tiann by different senses, perhaps by listening to the aroma of the street food in front of Cisheng temple, smelling the convoluted stories in the hidden massage parlors, or, moving your body as workout equipment.

🎧🎧 Part 1: 1# To Choose, Sound Route:Shen Sum-Sum, Wu Chi-Yu, Musquiqui Chihying

Schedule: 12.13 – 12.22, Daily 14:00/16:00, Maximum five participants for each session
12.24 – 12.29, Daily 14:00/15:00, Maximum five participants for each session

In the complex construction of contemporary society, the indicative function of language and sound plays an essential role in politics among different communities. The auditory and speaking faculties are commonly seen as a communication tool between individuals and/or embedded in mass media. Sound tour 1# To Choose focuses on the auditory technology and the technology’s relation with culture and history as well as its potential in creating impression and memory. This voice guide work leads the audience to navigate the neighborhood of Tua-Tiu-Tiann through stories of the street food, examining the importance of verbal narrative and street food culture in our recognition capacity in the late-capitalism world.

💆💆‍♂️ Part 2: Five/Fine Elements Massage, Wei Hsinyen

Schedule:12.16 – 12.22, Daily 13:30/14:30/15:30/16:30/17:30/18:30, one participant at a time.
12.24 – 12.29,by appointment only. Please email to office@tcac.tw or use messenger.

The artist Wei Hsinyen, also as an amateur masseuse, creates five/fine elements massage. Inspired by ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) and wuxing (five elements/phases: wood, fire, earth, metal and water). By focusing on body parts that are rarely massaged, for instance: hands, nose or hair-combing, the artist intends to guide the participants to explore and experience a wider range of sensibility. It is also a nod to many massage parlors in the neighborhood of Tua-Tiu-Tiann.

The payment for these massages is by personal stories only. One story will exchange for a ten-minute massage.

👯👯‍♂️Part 3: Future Tao, lololol

Schedule: 12.21 – 12.22, 2-6pm, Please sign up in advance via email office@tcac.tw or FB messenger

Art unit lololol’s long term project “Future Tao” is an ongoing development of Taoist-informed practices for mind and body cultivation. Inspired by Taiwanese park culture, we explore a fluid field of new and old cosmologies, their corresponding technologies, and the ontology of public spaces in contemporary times.

The two-day program of Future Tao will include an open discussion and a series of workshops about humans & technological objects, writing as a cosmotechnic, flow and performativity to open different spheres of communication.

🎭About the artists:

Sound Route
Artist Shen Sum-Sum, Wu Chi-Yu, and Musquiqui Chihying formed collective Sound Route to explore the correlation between sound and history. Through fieldwork, oral history, and lecture performance, they rediscover the synchronicity of historical progress and postmodern diversification. The recent project is their interview with Hsu Ming, chairman of the Chinese Hypnosis Association, an in-depth investigation into the history of audio technology and the formation of collective historical memory.

Wei Hsinyen
Wei Hsinyen is a Taiwanese artist working in photography, video and performance. Her work explores intimacy through various social, sensory and cultural implications. She received her MFA in studio from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She has presented work in spaces such as the Queens Museum and Queens Botanical Garden in New York, Sun Gallery and Yard/Theatre in Taiwan, Rich Mix in London, CoCA Center on Contemporary Art Seattle, EXPO Chicago and 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa. She currently lives and works in Taipei.

lololol is a boundless laughter, an endless extension of lol (laugh out loud), an acronym that appears to be constructed by the building blocks of I-Ching and/or computer code. lololol is a hearty release amidst interchanging states of existing and non-existing, emptiness and substance, changing conditions of the natural, without resistance or submission to any singular logic or assumption, to respond to the world with an evolving vibration that spreads across the seas.

*For group visit (more than 5 persons), please book in advance via email office@tcac.tw.
** Sensuous Tua-Tiu-Tiann is supported by the Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government.