2013.08.30:Data-Driven Activism on the Web | 由資料驅動的網路行動

08.30 由資料驅動的網路行動 

08.30 Data-Driven Activism on the Web 


(For English please scroll down)

(Speech in Chinese only)


近來台灣公民社會的動員行程 (cycle) 頻仍不斷,能量也在迭代 (iteration) 間快速消融。屢有招架不住和國進民退的浪襲,顯然是不少受薪階級在社交媒體(social media)上不敢大話言之的感觸。在臉書看似熱鬧但其實荒頹的懶人行動主義 (slacktivism) 下,明日的突進策略,到底還有什麼?
一群秀異份子來自不同領域,從組成沌化、技術精化、資料淘化、知見俗化以及知識熟化的過程,正在此刻驅動著明日發展的內燃機。本次我們將剖析台灣 #codefortomorrow #g0v #netandfreedom 等實進策略,以及這些作為在穿透區域治體 (governance) 岩床的重大露頭。

徐子涵,網路以 TH Schee 著稱,15歲單人摩托車橫越澳洲大陸。現任職於 Fertta.com、英國開放街圖基金會 (OpenStreetMap) 會員、英國開放知識基金會 (Open Knowledge Foundation) 台灣代表、台灣 Code for Tomorrow 基金會籌備處共同發起人,以及台灣開放資料聯盟 (Open Data Alliance) 顧問。目前主力研究為亞太地區之開放資料和開放政府 (open government)。2012年擔任聯合國地理空間資訊委會 (GGIM) 願景小組顧問和奧地利林茲電子藝術大獎 (Prix Ars Electronica) 國際委員(電子社群)。


王柏偉,1975年生。德國Witten/Herdecke大學文化系社會學博士候選人。曾獲數位藝術評論獎、國藝會藝評台評論獎、教育部公費留學補助。主要研究領域為媒介理論、當代藝術史、文化與藝術社會學、藝術/科學/科技(AST)。與人合譯有Niklas Luhmann所著《愛情作為激情:論親密性的符碼化》(台北:五南)。進行中計畫包括《台灣媒體藝術史與語意網》與《藝術、生物學、實驗室:生物藝術的系譜學初探》。現為《藝外》與《藝術家》雜誌特約撰稿人。藝術類文章請見:http://www.itpark.com.tw/people/essays/667


Data-Driven Activism on the Web  
“Data” has never been in the center of public discourse around activism, but soon after the uncomfortable debut of Wikileaks and NSA’s PRISM program on our digital footprints, no one would doubt that some particular data does beget greater power, and that power balance flips if data were made open.
The case of #codefortomorrow #g0v #netandfreedom best exemplifies how local organizations and communities are propelling through seas of public data and collaborate on actionable insights which sifted through mountains of garbage data, and why are they doing it, to what extent are they going to change activism on the web, starting from rather isolated Taiwan.
About Speaker
TH Schee, having pioneered several canonical community projects which spawned dozens of startup ventures and presidential/mayoral election web campaigns since 2000, is well-recognized in Taiwan. He has served as a senior manager at Academia Sinica, Yam.com, Mio.com, Sanlih E-Television and JUT Living Development Group, and is often invited to speak on forefront of digital revolutions in Taiwan and across APAC. He currently works on ICT projects that power #OpenData #OpenGov in APAC.
About Host

Po-Wei Wang, born in 1975, is a Ph.D. candidate of sociology at the Department of Culture Studies, Witten/Herdecke University, Germany. His research interests include Media Theory, History of Contemporary Art, Sociology of Culture and Art, and Art/Science/Technology (AST). He has received the Digital Art Criticism Award and the NCAF Art Review Award. Translate Niklas Luhmann´s Liebe als Passion: Zur Codierung von Intimität together with Chin-Hui Chang. Ongoing projects include “History of Taiwanese Media Art and Semantic Web”, and “Art, Biology, and Laboratory: A Probe into the Genealogy of Bio-Art”. He is currently the special contributor to the Artitude and Artist Magazine.

Articles please see http://www.itpark.com.tw/people/essays/667



TEXT/賴佳翎 Vanessa Lai



資料與公共議題如何產生關聯?Fertta Communication執行長徐子涵認為公共資源數位化以後會影響到議題真實性的操作,比如買房或投資房地產,我們判斷這個房子好不好的依據來自參考ㄧ些政府部門提供的數據資料,像是地震分布資料、是否為凶宅等。然而,實際掌握到最多資訊的人不僅掩蓋了大部分的事實,能夠因此而獲利或免於高風險,也操控了議題的走向而造成話語權的壟斷現象。












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