2010 Forum Biennial :TSUI Kuang-Yu “2009 Arctic Diary: The Wrong Ice” | 崔廣宇《二〇〇九極地日記:錯誤的冰塊》

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Aaron O’Connor、Amy Wiita、Andrea Galvani、Heini Aho、Janet Biggs、Jan Belgers、Mark Andreas、Osman Khan、Raphaele Shirley、Sarah Johnson、Sebastiaan Eikmans、Tomislav Brajnovic、Willamain McPhee Somma、Yi-Ching Chung、廖建忠、葉振宇、柯俊耀、陳建興、複氧國際多媒體、蓬旺製冰廠




這件作品是參加由美國「土地藝術科學基金會」(The Farm Foundation for the Arts & Sciences, FFAS)在2009年所舉辦的北極圈藝術旅行計畫(The Arctic Circle), 全部影片於挪威 Spitzbergen 以及台北兩地拍攝完成。




2009年10月我們一群藝術家與科學家乘坐一艘帆船在 Spitzbergen 這座島嶼四處落腳,並各自執行著自己的研究與計畫。在這個極端的自然環境裡,我思考著如何利用這個微型的人類社群所帶來的各種資源、知識與工具,或許可以在這裡找到一個隱形的系統來回應我們所熟悉的城市生活;不過在嚴苛的環境與物資條件下,加上諸多不利的因素,這些行為最後顯現的,可能只是讓這些嘗試變成一場在大自然面前徒勞的把戲,以及突顯自己在面對極端的環境裡體驗到自己創作極限的極地日記。而這也促成了我回到台北之後,繼續用城市的觀點與脈絡來回應與整理我在北極圈所體驗到的無力感與衝突。




或許,這整趟旅程真正顯現的是,Spitzbergen 這座極地之島像就是一面鏡子,隨著航行的軌跡勾勒出每個人心中對於這裡的期許或失落,並斷斷續續地映射出人類文明價值對應於極端環境下所顯現出來的模糊輪廓,大家用自己所懷抱的信念在此試探著自己的極限,從支離破碎的環境資源裡蒐集建構用以支撐這個框架的所有需求,並用力維持著這個輪廓,等待下一個永晝裡不易察覺的變數與無常。(文/崔廣宇)













2010    「Experimenta: Utopia Now」,國際媒體雙年展,Redland 藝廊,昆士蘭; Carriageworks,雪梨,澳洲




2009    「Rendez-vous 09」,當代藝術中心,里昂,法國 




2008    「2008台北雙年展」,台北市立美術館/中山美術公園/台北啤酒廠/捷運忠孝新生站/捷運電漿電視/台北小巨蛋天幕,台北,台灣




2007    「譯碼員」,Contour第三屆錄影藝術雙年展,邁荷倫,比利時


「2007巴黎/柏林/馬德里相遇國際藝術節」,the Circulo de Bellas Artes, 馬德里,西班牙;巴比倫劇院,柏林,德國




2006    「利物浦雙年展」,泰德美術館,利物浦,英國


「快樂信者」,第7屆 Werkleitz 雙年展,Volkspark 哈雷;薩勒,德國




2005    「自由的幻象」第51屆威尼斯雙年展台灣館,普里奇歐尼宮,威尼斯,義大利


「藝術的重力」,De Apple 當代藝術中心,阿姆斯特丹,荷蘭




2003    「25hrs」,國際錄影藝術展,巴賽隆那,西班牙




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2009 Arctic Diary: The Wrong Ice




21mins 37secs






Special thanks to: Aaron O’Connor Aaron O’ConnorAmy Wiita, Andrea Galvani, Heini Aho, Janet Biggs, Jan Belgers, Mark Andreas, Osman Khan, Raphaele Shirley, Sarah Johnson, Sebastiaan Eikmans, Tomislav Brajnovic, Willamain McPhee Somma, Yi-Ching Chung, LIAO Chien-chung, YEH Chen-yu, KE Jiun-yau, CHEN Chien-xing, On-Works, Pon-Wang Ice Company




This work was produced for the 2009 Arctic Circle expeditionary residency program organized by the U.S. Farm Foundation for the Arts & Sciences (FFAS). The film was shot on location in Spitzbergen, Norway and in Taipei, Taiwan.




In October of 2009, our group of artists and scientists set sail for the island of Spitzbergen, where each of us embarked upon our specific projects and research plans. In the extremity of this natural environment, I contemplated how I might use the various resources brought by our group, representing a microcosm of civilization. Perhaps here, I would unveil some intangible system that responds to the urban life that we are all too familiar with. Ultimately, however, with limited access to resources, the harsh environmental and other mitigating circumstances, this meant that this expedition turned into an exercise in self-exhaustion against the face of rugged nature; as well as a journal documenting the limits of my own creativity as I confront an environmental extreme. Upon my return to Taipei, the memory of the expedition gave me a new starting point in my continued focus on urban perspectives and pulses as I attempted to respond to and organize the powerlessness and conflicts I felt on my journey to the Arctic Circle.




Perhaps, what this journey truly showed me was that the island of Spitzbergen in the Arctic Circle was a mirror. The journey unveiled the expectations and disappointments that travelers carried with them to the island. It projects an intermittent silhouette of the values of human society as it responds to extreme environmental conditions. Everyone clung to their own convictions as their limits were put to the test; they gathered up what incomplete and broken environmental resources they could find to support the needs of their ideological framework. Persisting in maintaining the shape of this framework as they waited for the unpredictable changes and uncertainties in next midnight sun. (Tex by TSUI Kuang-Yu. Translated by Yvonne Kennedy)




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TSUI Kuang-Yu

b. 1974. Now lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan.




Selected Exhibitions




2010    Experimenta: Utopia Now, International Biennial of Media Art, Redland Art Gallery, Queensland; Carriageworks, Sydney, Australia




2009    Rendez-vous 09, Institut d’art contemporain, Lyon, France




2008    Taipei Biennial 2008, Taipei Fine Art Museum / Taipei Art Park / Taipei Brewery / Zhongxiao Xinsheng MRT Station / PDP in MRT / Taipei Arena screen, Taipei, Taiwan




2007    Decoder, Contour Biennial-the 3rd Biennial for Video Art, Mechelen, Belgium


The Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid, the Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, Spain; Babylon Movie Theatre, Berlin, Germany




2006    Liverpool International 6_Liverpool Biennial, Tate Liverpool, Liverpool, UK


           Happy Believers, the 7th Werkleitz Biennale, Volkspark Halle; Saale, Germany




2005    The Spectre of Freedom, the 51st International Art Exhibition-La Biennale di Venezia, Palazzo delle Prigioni, Venice, Italy


           The Gravity in Art, De Apple Centre of Contemporary Art, Amsterdam, the Netherlands




2003    25hrs, International Video Art Show, EI RAVAL SPORTS PAVILION, Barcelona, Spain




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