2015.10.09 – 10.11 Exhibition: Life on Space

Life on Space

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時間:2015.10.09 – 10.11



藝術家:邱元男、陳俊宇、馮晨、藝術家團隊(沈森森+吳其育+彭致穎)、賴士超、Dj Kolette、Dronetonics(Crystal Shien、Phin Berry)x VJ Dolcevita、Dj Soma、莊培鑫、龍尾(東海土著+小劉+邱元男+賴士超)


綜觀過去科技發展的歷史,從無線電的發明到太空探索的時代,人類對於時間與空間的論證與想像,早已透過科技載具或儀器,突破與拉近任何事物之間的「距離」。從李·德富雷斯特(Lee De Forest,1873年8月26日-1961年7月30日)無線電的發明、阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein,1879年3月14日-1955年4月18日)的廣義相對論、1969年美國太空總署(NASA)阿波羅11號登陸月球,或是今年NASA新視野號所傳回的冥王星影像與科學數據等等,重大事件與發現皆迴繞於時間與空間的邊界。面對資訊科技日新月異的發展,人類追求科技化的介面與探索,間接帶動著新媒體影像與數位影像裝置載具的革新,以及網路媒體的『臉書化』,人們互動的真實空間被形塑與建置在虛擬空間上,並且透過再製與數位紀錄的途徑,讓人們生活的真實事件或歷史資料,重新被介入與觀看。




展覽活動內容主要為影像裝置投影作品、跨領域音樂活動與藝術生產即時連線,首先從影像作品來說,藝術家馮晨探討真實生活經驗的感官所產生的視覺問題,並從數位攝影與後製的方式,來討論人類既有的視覺模式所觀看太空中的月球,重新去思索影像與真實生活的關聯。而莊培鑫則透過網路所瀏覽的60年代太空影集劇照,重新虛擬與複製太空影像,來探討過去與未來的真實性關聯。虛構場景與故事的議題上,也可從邱元男的數位影像作品,窺視一種虛擬的數位場景,加入了非邏輯性文字與片段影像,製造一種有系統與故事性的影像。陳俊宇的影像風格主要為拍攝與建構真實場景的影像,也再現一種影像上的自我回視,虛構一種模糊或非特定的場域。藝術團隊吳其育、沈森森與彭致穎則透過數位現場連線的方式,從印尼雅加達連線至台灣台北當代藝術中心,來討論藝術研究計劃《聲線》所觸及的移民問題與東南亞文化的歷史。音樂現場活動內容上,音樂表演者賴士超與龍尾聲音團隊將透過聲音與樂團表演的方式,讓呈現一種太空音樂的氛圍。而電子樂組合Dronetonics x VJ Dolcevita將融合歷史太空影像,以投影的數位裝置聲音表演,並呈現不同的跨領域演出。除此之外,DJ Kolette與DJ Soma也將透過混音器材與電音概念的演出,營造太空氛圍的派對音樂,讓觀眾能體驗數位裝置介面,所產生的音樂張力與聲音感染力。


10. 09 活動流程與內容
06:30pm 開幕
06:50pm 策展人介紹展覽與藝術家
07:10pm 聲音表演:龍尾
08:10pm 藝術家現場連線Art Talk:藝術家團隊(沈森森、吳其育、彭致穎)
08:40pm 音樂表演 Dronetonics x VJ Dolcevita
09:40pm 太空音樂派對 Dj Kolette

10. 10 活動流程與內容
06:40pm 聲音影像表演:賴士超
07:50pm 音樂表演:Dj Soma
Time: 2015.10.09 – 10.11

Venue: Taipei Contemporary Art Center, No. 11, Lane 49, Baoan Street, Taipei (MRT: Daqiaotou Station)

Organized and curated by Chou Chia-Hui

Artists: Qiu Yuan Nan, Oh Au, Feng Chen, artist collective (Shen SumSum, Wu Chi-Yu and MusquiquiChih-ying), Shi-Chao Lai, DjKolette, Dronetonics (Crystal Shien, Phin Berry) x VJ Dolcevita, Dj Soma, Pie-Xin Chuang, Tails (Immanuel, Small Liu, Qiu Yuan Nan and Shi-Chao Lai)
From the invention of radioapplication to the age of space exploration, human being’s theories and imagination for space and time have exceeded the idea of “distance” in the history of technology development. For instance, Lee De Forest’s radio invention, Albert Einstein’s the general theory of relativity, the moon landing mission of Apollo 11 in 1969, the imageries and data of Pluto sent from NASA’s New Horizon earlier this year and among others important incidents and discoveries have revealed that the shared concern is always about the boundaries of spacetime. As technology develops in an unstoppable speed today, human desire and exploration for new interface have brought forth the revolution of digital media devices. In addition to the powerful social media phenomenon, the way that people interact in the real world is gradually shaped and informed by the virtual space. Real eventsor historical materials are re-engaged and reviewed via reproduction and digital documentation.
As the technology and society progress and change in such high speed, population, race and culture are also challenged with fluidity and convergence. Resulting from such condition, today’s visual culture is built upon a hybrid model to reflect the context and real life in the society. For artists and musicians, they employ new medium, vehicles and equipment for image and sound making in the digital age, as they confront the automation of digital prototype andthe ceaseless updating of electronic equipment. The representation of virtual reality or simulation via internet connection further creates different production modes and artistic language. How are we going to redefine and interpret the authenticity of image when the seeing and post-production of contemporary images are manipulated in the post digital world? The initial conceptualization of this exhibition attempts to investigate and reflect the environment and history of our time, and ask ourselves if human beings are building a utopian virtual space and symbol, and how we keep pursuing our faith and value at our time.

The exhibition features video installations, interdisciplinary sound events and live online art production. Artist Feng Chen investigates the visual questions encountered in real life experience to discuss the moon in human vision and the image-reality relationfrom the digital photography and post-production perspective. Pie-Xin Chuangreduplicates space images from 60s’ television footages to discuss the connection between the past and the future. Qiu Yuan Nan’s digital works allow us to perceive a virtualized scenario with his text and image narration interwoven as a story based systematic imagery. Oh Au’s image style focuses on documenting and constructing a real scenario while producing a self-flexing imagery to fictionalize a non-specific site. The artist collective of Shen Sum-Sum, Wu Chi-Yu and MusquiquiChih-Ying will make an online discussion on their research project Sound Route from Jakarta to address immigrant problems and Southeast Asian history. For the sound performance, Shi-Chao Lai and Qiu Yuan Nan will present the space ambience through sound and band performance. Dronetonics will mix historical space images and present interdisciplinary electronic music geek with projection. Moreover, DjKolette and DJ Soma will create a space party with electronic music and image performance for audience to experience the tension and affection from the digital interface.


10. 09 Opening program

06:30pm Opening
06:50pm Curator’s introduction
07:10pm Sound performance by Tails
08:10pm Live online Art Talk with the artist collective (Shen Sum-Sum, Wu Chi-Yu and Musquiqui Chih-Ying)
08:40pm Music performanceDronetonics x VJ Dolcevita
09:40pm Space Music Party by Dj Kolette

10. 10 Event program

06:40pm Sound and Image Performance by Shi-Chao Lai
07:50pm Music Performance byDj Soma