2017.10.15-18 TTTIFA 《Queen Me》 Workshops

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藝術家:Martin Lorenzo de Mesa
時間:2017.10.15 (日) 2-5pm

透過一個創意開展的過程,參與者將從工作坊裡學習到各種衍伸對於「他我」(alter ego)的敘事描述,挖掘各種自我書寫、觀看、再現的狀態。藝術家將以自身的例子為引,介紹個人的他我角色「Bohovee」,這個角色描繪⼀個⼤膽、放肆的扮裝皇后,名字也參考⾃菲律賓前殖⺠時期扮裝為⼥性的男巫師Babaylan,讓參與工作坊的朋友們透過他過去表演的影音紀錄裡,看到藝術家如何創造這個角色。


Martin Lorenzo de Mesa⽣於1987年,菲律賓藝術家,現居於⾺尼拉。他的創作以現場挑逗(live provocation)與表現式錄像(performative video)為⽅法,援引菲律賓的巫師扮裝與吟唱,以⾝體作為⼯具,刺激觀眾⾛出⾃⾝的舒適圈,也挑戰同性戀的⽂化脈絡與觀點。藝術家以Bohovee Chants 魔幻式的挑逗進⾏表演。Bohovee是藝術家另⼀個⾃我,這個名字描繪⼀個⼤膽、放肆的扮裝皇后,名字也參考⾃菲律賓前殖⺠時期扮裝為⼥性的男巫師Babaylan。


Create Your Own Alter Ego Workshop

Artist:Martin Lorenzo de Mesa
Time:2017.10.15 Sun. 3-8pm
Venue:Taipei Contemporary Art Center, No. 11, Lane 49, Baoan Street, Taipei (MRT: Daqiaotou Station)

This workshop will engage all participants in learning the possibilities and creative process on how to make an alter ego. To inspire them, the artist will talk about the origin and artistic evolution of his alter ego “Bohovee” and also he will let them watch short video clips of his past performances.  

This workshop includes three phases. Starting with the introduction of one’s self to know each participant’s personal background, second is a drawing activity to visualize one’s desired alter ego, and finally is presenting the background narrative and the special character. Through participating in this event one will learn and discover their creative potentials of the “other self”. Possibly one that has been suppressed inside of us. This activity can also provide a kind of contemplation about the mundane personality that we only get used to recognize.

About the Artist
Martin Lorenzo P. de Mesa, with a bachelor degree from College of Fine Arts, University of the Philippines, holds great interests in performances such as Japanese Butoh. He started to produce videos of performance back in college, and in recent years tries to create performances combining role-play and Shaman rituals. The inspiration of “Versus” comes from the artist’s brother, who has suffered from seeing spirits of supernatural power for years and was eventually diagnosed as Schizophrenic and under medication. Upset by the personal experience of his family, Martin Lorenzo P. de Mesa was in fear, and then tries to understand his brother via psychiatry and traditional religions. Ultimately the artist decides to make good use of Butoh performance he loves to interpret the “Versus” world his brother lives in as well as the anxiety and the disruption within.

Workshop fee:TWD 300.
The workshop is open to 13 participants, and the workshop will be conducted in English.
Register: https://www.accupass.com/go/queenmartinws

Sunya’s Drama Bitch Class 

藝術家:Sun Phitthaya Phaefuang
時間:2017.10.15 (日) 7-9pm

挑弄肢體和外貌風格語言上的性別表演性,Vogue 經常被視為一種高度風格化的性感表演,是五〇年代紐約的LGBT社群所發展出來的特殊舞蹈形式。受到《Vogue》雜誌的靈感啟發,voguing主要以模特兒的造型姿態為架構,以有稜有角、線條性和穩固的手部、腿部和身體做出動作,強調體態和肢體動作間結構性的魅惑感。這種舞蹈最早被稱為「presentation」和「performance」,並在瑪丹娜等明星的挪用與發揮下,蔚為新興舞蹈形式。

現今Vogue主要分為三種風格:Old Way, New Way and Vogue Femme。此工作坊將由Sun Phitthaya Phaefuang帶領,課程中將專注於Vogue Femme,它是三種Vogue風格中最女性化的舞蹈風格,並深入介紹Vogue Femme的五種基礎元素:hand performance, catwalk, duckwalk, floor performance & dips等,參與者可在新的肢體開發嚐試中,體驗由內而外伸展的性感力量。

Sun Phitthaya Phaefuang出生於泰國,Sun從三歲起在挪威長大並生活21年。他在奧斯陸國立藝術學院學習當代與現代舞蹈,曾與Alan Lucien Oyen, Jo Stromgren, Krisin Inao Hjort等多位挪威編舞家合作。近年返回亞洲定居泰國曼谷,嘗試跨界表演形式,將當代舞蹈加入Voguing元素發展出新的舞蹈展示,並與多位策展人與創造許多虛擬的角色,與新加坡策展人鄧富權長期合作,近期也參與台灣視覺藝術家余政達的新創作。


Sunya’s Drama Bitch Class

Artist:Sun Phitthaya Phaefuang
Time:2017.10.15 Sun. 7-9 pm
Venue:Taipei Contemporary Art Center, No. 11, Lane 49, Baoan Street, Taipei (MRT: Daqiaotou Station)

Vogue dance, also known as “performance, is a dance form that was created by the LGBT peoples of New York in the vogue culture during the 50s. Instead of fighting, people that hated each other they would throw shades on the dance floor instead to see who was throwing the best moves. Inspired by maganzine Vogue, voguing takes models’ poses as the structure, creating the charming images. This kind of dance was originally called presentation and performance. Voguing came to be a new trend after Madonna and other stars show it on the international stage.

Today vogue has mainly 3 styles: old way, New way and vogue femme. The workshop will be focusing on the vogue femme style, which is the most feminine dance style out off all the  vogue dance styles. The workshop will introduce the 5 basic elements of vogue femme: hand performance, catwalk, duckwalk, floor performance & dips. Participant will experience the sexy power from heart to body in the development voguing.

About the Artist
Sun Phitthaya Phaefuang was born in Thailand, and he had grown up in Norway since he was three years old. He studied contemporary and modern dance at Oslo National Academy of the Arts. He has been cooperating with many choreographers like Alan Lucien Oyen, Jo Stromgren, Krisin Inao Hjort, etc. He goes back to Asia and lives in Bangkok in recent years. He tries to initiate cross – sectoral performance projects, integrating the elements of Voguing into contemporary dance. He also tries to cooperate with curators and artists to create many virtual roles. For example, the new arts produced by Tang Fu-Kuen who is a curator in performance art from Singapore and Yu Cheng-Ta who is a visual artist from Taiwan.

Workshop fee:TWD 300.
The workshop is open to 10 participants, and the workshop will be conducted in English.
Register: https://www.accupass.com/go/queenmesunws


時間:2017.10.16 (一)、18 (三)  3-8pm


Henry Tan來自泰國曼谷,是一位觀念及表演藝術家,他的藝術創作擅長利用國際潮流來批判參與式藝術與社會實踐中的落差,也使用個人式的理解來重新闡述當代的溝通介面。他的藝術實踐發生在不段流轉的形式與不段變化的邊界與文化背景之中。2013年以來的「匿名按摩廳」計畫,以身體作為工具和他人互動產生親密關係,藉由按摩形式來串起討論性別、人生與夢想的交會活動。


Welcome to Anonymassage

Time:2017.10.16 Mon. & 18 Wed.  3-8 pm, 8 sessions a day.
Venue:Taipei Contemporary Art Center, No. 11, Lane 49, Baoan Street, Taipei (MRT: Daqiaotou Station)

Anonymassage is the most intimate and most discreet way for you to get the best treatment in Taipei. The artists will offer you the highest level of professional service. Full with confusion, disturbance, poor level of Mandarin Language with no indication of the provided services,  Anonymassage is here to satisfy any kind of dream or wish for new experiences – reliably, direct and moist. “Our satisfaction is our first priority”. If you have any questions, please ask openly – there is no questions we haven’t already heard.

Anonymassage will consist of a series of customized intimate interaction allowing every participant to experience an unique art therapy session. In each session all the participants wildest desires can be fulfilled through the most luxurious massage therapy session presented by Henryandpartners.

About the Artist 
Henry Tan is a concept and Performing artist from Bangkok. He is good at criticizing the huge deviation between participatory art and social practice through the trend of the times in his art, and he reinterprets the contemporary communication interface through his personal cognition. His art practice is established among the changing form, border, and background. His art project Anonymassage since 2013 take the body as a tool to get along with others to develop intimate relationships and through the form of massage to discuss sex, life and dream.

A session would be 20-30 minutes. Each session would be available for 1 person.
Register: https://www.accupass.com/go/queenmehenryws