2017.07.29 Tree Tree Tree Person — Taroko Arts Residency Project II
森人-太魯閣藝駐計劃 II

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2017/07/22,4:00 -16:00,齁空間

2017/07/29,4:00 -16:00,TCAC 台北當代藝術中心


藝術家/團隊:Ania Varez(委內瑞拉),Hannah Sullivan(英國),Island(中國、香港、瑞士),Nina Willimann & Mayumi Arai(瑞士、日本),Sheaf+Barley(英國)


《森人-太魯閣藝駐計劃 II》從「表演」出發進一步探討公共空間的意義。在公共空間中,動植物與人的關係是什麼?是裝飾?是娛樂?是共活?將不同場所動植物自主性(autonomy)比較,帶入公共空間意義的討論。並透過與自然界所有生物及非生物共同體驗的藝術展演,提供一種思考方向。



04:00 – 04:30 〈Ima Hangan Su?〉,Island (Dorothy WONG Ka Chung , Eva LIN Yingchi, Benjamin RYSER),表演
04:00 – 16:00 〈不要觸摸自然〉,Sheaf+Barley,表演
05:00 – 06:00 〈可攜式景觀:竹子〉,Ania Varez,表演
10:00 – 16:00 〈禮物運動〉,Nina Willimann & Mayumi Arai,表演
14:00 – 15:00 〈在黑暗中〉,Hannah Sullivan,表演
15:00 – 15:30 〈Ima Hangan Su?〉,Island (Dorothy WONG Ka Chung , Eva LIN Yingchi, Benjamin RYSER),表演




Ania Varez
生活在英國布里斯托爾的委內瑞拉籍舞蹈藝術家和作家。 從小接受古典芭蕾舞訓練,之後開始個人即興、表演藝術及詩的旅程,對於這些領域的好奇心驅使她後來搬到倫敦求學與生活。 現在她是 The Sparse Collective 的成員,負責協作編排和即興演奏,也是 Interval-布里斯托爾的當代表演藝術家社群-的成員。藝術創作發表不限團體合作或是個人獨自發表。將藝術視為一個置換性的空間-一個來自不同地方的人們可以共享經驗及觀點的場域。

Hannah Sullivan
擅長創作方法是當代編舞及表演領域相關的當代劇場。擅長在單人表演中使用親密性和個性化的文字、歌唱及行為作為,以自身相關事物作為創作素材(如:自傳,記憶,聲音,身體)。另外,也關心民主性質的藝術表現及情感體驗,曾發表作品〈Echo Beach〉,〈With Force and Noise〉,〈Draw to Look〉,〈Sing for your Supper〉。

Island (Dorothy WONG Ka Chung , Eva LIN Yingchi, Benjamin RYSER)
一個跨學科藝術團體,成立於 2015 年夏季,三位擁有不同文化及藝術背景藝術家-瑞士作曲家,香港媒體藝術家及中國編舞家。 創作上主要關注跨媒體之間的實驗性表現,曾在香港和蘇黎世的藝術機構及藝廊等發表創作和展演。

Nina Willimann & Mayumi Arai
兩人在 2015 年因緣際會在香港認識。創作方法為兩人通過探索彼此不同的文化、學科及語言背景,讓彼此身上擁有的差異成為創作上的挑戰及資源。同時探索超越言語的溝通方式,不採用一般地認知的方法,而採用中國傳統對於身心洞察的方式,作為基礎研究法。

SHEAF+BARLEY 團隊就像那首狡猾地民謠,意味著它圍繞著需要他們的群眾們進行表演,製作東西,繪製符號和閱讀它。 認同信仰是一種激進的行為,是為了反霸權而生,而且必須處於不斷反抗的狀態,讓每個人都能像它一樣是個狡猾的民謠。



1st Event: Tainan City  
2017/22/07/2017, 4am-4pm, Howl Space

 2nd Event: Taipei City
29/07/2017, 4am-4pm, Taipei Contemporary Art Center,

 3rd Event: Hualien County
05/08/2017-06/08/2017, Datong and Dali, Taroko National Park

Artists & Artistic Groups: Ania Varez (VE), Hannah Sullivan (UK), Island (CN, HK, CH), Nina Willimann & Mayumi Arai (CH, JP), Sheaf+Barley (UK)
Curator: Cheng-Tao Chen

“I like to sing in front of Mt. Sanchiaochui in the morning.” the eighty-seven-year-old Taroko tribe leader said.

Tree Tree Tree Person — Taroko Arts Residency Project II is a para-curatorial practice of contemporary performance which aims to question the meaning of public space by comparing the relationship among human and nature creatures. In these comparison, we could ask ourselves that the role of nature creatures in our society. Are they our accessories, entertainment supplies, or partners? Obviously, before making a consequence of identifying the meaning of public space, we would be better to judge the autonomy of animals and plants in different spaces and preform performances whose audiences are natural creatures and things. These would benefit the discussion and provide us an alternative perspective for the theme of this project.

In 2017, the project invites five artistic groups to stay in Taroko for one and a half months. During the period of residence, they will live with the aborigines in the natural environment and learn how to interact with nature. After that, they will perform their contemporary performance works to reply the theme of the para-curatorial practice –the relationship of human and nature in the public space. Therefore, in the sense of coupling art with nature, the audience will experience the artistic work with a type of autonomy from national park and help them to compare it with that form human society into the discussion of the meaning of public space accordingly.

Three special performances will debut. Looks forward to meet with eagle, barking deer, pangolin and you!

Performance Schedule 
04:00 – 04:30 Ima Hangan Su?, Island (Dorothy WONG Ka Chung , Eva LIN Yingchi, Benjamin RYSER), Performance
04:00 – 16:00 Don’t Touch The Nature, Sheaf+Barley, Performance
05:00 – 06:00 Portable Landscapes: Bamboo, Ania Varez, Performance
10:00 – 16:00 The Gift Exercise, Nina Willimann & Mayumi Arai, Performance
14:00 – 15:00 In the Dark, Hannah Sullivan, Performance
15:00 – 15:30 Ima Hangan Su?, Island (Dorothy WONG Ka Chung , Eva LIN Yingchi, Benjamin RYSER), Performance

Website of Tree Tree Tree Person – Taroko Arts Residency Project: https://treetreetreeperson.me/

Organizer: Culture Industry Association
Sponsor: Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government and National Culture and Arts Foundation
Co-organizer: Artist-Home-Swap, Datong and Dali Women Association, Grass Arts Academy, Howl Space, Sen-Sen Yin, and Taipei Contemporary Art Center

About Artists

Ania Varez
Ania Varez is a Venezuelan dance artist and writer based in Bristol, UK.  After growing up training intensively in classical ballet, at 18 years old she began her journey on improvisation, performance art, international business and poetry. Her curiosity on these topics led her to move to London in 2012. She is a member of The Sparse Collective, working with collaborative choreography and improvisation, and a member of Interval, a network of Bristol based live artists that share a common space, and she is developing her work both as a collaborator and a solo artist. She is interested in art as a medium space of social reconstruction, where people from very different origins can meet in a shared experience and notice reality from a more fertile and attentive point of view. 

Hannah Sullivan
Hannah Sullivan’s practice is based in contemporary theatre, heavily influenced by contemporary choreography and performance art. Hannah currently makes solo performance that incorporates text, song and movement, is intimate and personal and uses self as source (autobiography, memory, voice, body). Hannah is concerned with democratising artistic expression and prioritising the emotional experience. Hannah’s previous works include; ‘Echo Beach’ a solo about dancing, ‘With Force and Noise’ a monologue and accompanying costume on anger, ‘Draw to Look’ a one-on-one on drawing, ‘Sing for your Supper’ a participatory meal, as well other site based, in progress, and creative producing projects.

Island (Dorothy WONG Ka Chung , Eva LIN Yingchi, Benjamin RYSER)
Island is a transdisciplinary arts collective founded in 2015 summer with three different cultural and artistic backgrounds media artist, choreographer and composer from Switzerland, Hong Kong and China. The group mainly focuses on inter-media experimental performance. The group works have shown in different art school, institute and gallery in Hong Kong and Zurich.

Nina Willimann & Mayumi Arai
Mayumi Arai and Nina Willimann met in 2015 in Hong Kong, where they were both foreigners. Perceiving their different cultural and disciplinary backgrounds and different mother tongues as both, a challenge and a resource, through their collaboration they are exploring communication beyond words. Therefore they adapted as a basic method of research a fundamental strategy of Chinese tradition, which generally approaches matters concerning the psyche and attainment of deeper insight via the body, not via the cognitive reflection. 

Sheaf+Barley are cunning folk, which means they go around performing charms, making things, drawing symbols and reading signs for people who need it. They think belief is a radical act, and that to interrupt hegemony we must be in a constant state of uprising. Everybody can be cunning folk.