2020.06.01 – 07.12 The Tenth Anniversary of TCAC | Transient Response
Feedback Unit #1: Taipei ConTemporary Art Center
2020.06.01 – 07.12 TCAC十週年 | 暫態響應
〈回饋〉單元#1: 台北臨時藝術中心

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TCAC十週年 | 暫態響應
〈回饋〉單元#1: 台北臨時藝術中心

2020.06.01 – 07.12

公開徵集:2020.06.01 – 2020.06.21

放映:2020.06.27-28,07.04-05,07.11-12, 1-7pm 

TCAC 十週年系列活動暫態響應》,〈回饋〉單元第一回合邀請獨立策展人李彥儀策劃「台北臨時藝術中心( Taipei Contemporary Art Center)」。該計劃受到策展人 Walter Hopps 的36hr, Museum of Temporary Art 的啟發,透過真正開放與分享的方式,暫別美術機構的篩選機制,讓所有在進行創作的人擁有一段時間,立即展示作品。台北臨時藝術中心,即日起公開徵集各式各樣的影像、錄像作品,只要投件便會於放映的週末播放。同時透過 TCAC 長期性的策展學校計畫建立的策展人網路,投件者可以選擇想要連結的策展人,由台北臨時藝術中心協助接洽,讓藝術家、作品、策展人的連結更為直接。

播映期間歡迎大家來 TCAC,可以自備飲料或於現場購買啤酒、出版品與TCAC周邊產品,所得將平均分給投件藝術家。





她的策展研究主題圍繞在失敗空間所創造出的可能性,女性主義與數位文化。她的策展實踐結合運用展覽、藝術書寫、策展與表演式演說等不同展示的形式,結合不同領域的創作者,透過每一次思辨場域的開啟與不同的社會群體產生連結。曾策劃展覽於國立台灣美術館、台北國際藝術村、台北數位藝術中心,與擔任2020台北數位藝術節共同策展人。她的藝術書寫實踐與展演式演說作為她的虛構、敘事與研究的表演性質呈現,這類型的作品曾於林茲電子藝術節、SOMA Berlin、NON Berlin展出。她所創辦之《花開藝文誌》藝術寫作為主,為創作者之間帶來有趣的對話。


TCAC十週年 | 暫態響應

在電子工程學中,暫態響應指極短時間內系統離開穩定狀態發生的變化。與系統相關的事件都將影響這個效應,系統也終將回歸平衡。十年前,台北當代藝術中心(TCAC)從一個台北雙年展的作品開始,在眾多藝術家、策展人、學者、文化實踐者致力共同合作之下正式成立。TCAC是台北與台灣藝術生態系統中的一起事件,可被視為一個驅動質變的力量。時間的長與短取決於觀察者的尺度,有的時候,十年即是一瞬。2020年,這個全球局勢因為疫情而產生劇烈變動時刻,TCAC 將以一系列(非)生產性的計畫,回顧過去,同時試圖理解與建構這個新現實。

〈回饋〉單元是一個為期六至八週的 TCAC 接管計畫,我們將邀請 TCAC 的觀眾與合作者接管辦公室進行節目策劃或是行政。十年後,當初在〈一個當代藝術中心,台北(提案)〉叩問的:一個台北當代藝術中心應該是?可以是?能夠是?會得到什麼樣的答案?


The Tenth Anniversary of TCAC | Transient Response 

Feedback Unit #1: Taipei ConTemporary Art Center


2020.06.01 – 07.12

Open Call: 2020.06.01 – 2020.06.21

Screening Weekends: 2020.06.27-28, 07.04-05, 07.11-12, 1-7pm 


Taipei ConTemporary Art Center, organized by the independent curator Yenyi Lee, marks the launch of a series of programs in celebration of the tenth anniversary of Taipei Contemporary Art Center (TCAC). This project was inspired by Walter Hopps’ 36 Hours Project at MOTA (The Museum of Temporary Art). With the aim to create an open platform for sharing artworks without the mechanism of institutional selection, Taipei ConTemporary Art Center now invites video and moving-image artists to display their artworks in TCAC. The open call accepts all video, short-films and moving image works. All submitted work will be shown during the screening weekend. Additionally, Taipei ConTemporary Art Center will connect artists and their artworks to TCAC’s curator network, which can be chosen by artists in the submission form. 

The audience is welcome to join the screening at TCAC. All the profits from the purchase of beer, publication and tote bags will be shared with participating artists.  


Open Call Link:https://forms.gle/zgmgFAua9GBSeb1P6


Yenyi Lee

Yenyi Lee is a curator and writer based in Berlin, Taipei and Bangkok. Her curatorial research focuses on the extra possibility created by failure, feminism and digital culture. She curated exhibitions for the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art, Taipei Artist Village, and Digital Art Centre Taipei and is the co-curator of 2020 Digital Art Festival Taipei. Her art writing practice and lecture performance offer different performative elements of fiction, narrative and research and was presented in Ars Electronica, Soma Berlin. She is the founder of the art writing publication of HAGAI HUAKAI that presents interesting dialogues between creatives. 


The Tenth Anniversary of TCAC | Transient Response

In electronic engineering, transient response refers to the temporary change that happens within a short period of time after a system leaves its steady state. All affiliated events affect responses, and the system eventually returns to a steady state again. Ten years ago, Taipei Contemporary Art Center (TCAC) began as an artwork in Taipei Biennale and was then officially founded with enormous efforts by many artists, curators, scholars and cultural practitioners. 

The inception of TCAC could be viewed as one of the events in Taipei and in Taiwan, that marked a strand of force for change in the art system. Ten years sometimes could be seen as a short period of time. Time is relative and depends on the perspective of an observer. In 2020, a time of drastic change, marked by pandemics, TCAC will launch a series of (un)productive programs to reflect the past and also to comprehend and construct a new reality. 

Feedback is a 6-8 week takeover project. We will invite our audience and/or collaborators to take over TCAC’s programming and/or administration. After ten years, how do we now answer the questions raised in A Contemporary Art Center in Taipei (a proposal)? A contemporary art center is ______, should _______, could ________, would ________.