2011.10.01: FINAL SOLUTION by Fao and Kaa + AFTERSHOW PARTY with DJ Fao | [最終方案] / Fao and Kaa + AFTERSHOW PARTY / 派對 DJ Fao



FINAL SOLUTION / 最終方案/ Fao and Kaa + AFTERSHOW PARTY / 派對 DJ Fao

date:10/1.  9:30-11pm

address:台北市延平南路160-6號 (捷運小南門1號出口/捷運西門2號出口)
         No. 160-6 Yangping S. Road  Taipei, Taiwan(MRT Xiao Nan Men Station- Exit 1 /MRT Ximen Station – Exit 2 )




這次他們將會演奏一系列空心樂器 [如:結他印度鼓(tabla),非洲金盃鼓(djembé),各種打擊樂, 薩克 斯管,長笛等],並且使用電腦加強現場環境收音。演出中,他們會提供一些小小的表演性提示來引導觀眾進入表演當中,同時進入到演出者的心靈,或者通過一些富有想像力的奇妙改造來取得『憤怒』的感覺,所有演出者提供的元素就同如初始未被轉化的能源那般不斷湧現,直到充滿觀眾的四周,並等待著你我用不同的心靈回應這樣的能量。


簡易(Jenny )




We would like to invite you to a special performance on the rooftop of TCAC with a scenic view of Taipei:




When I first heard about Klaus and Fao playing together, I thought what can that sound like? And what will that look like? Their styles are as different as it gets!

When I finally saw them  playing together, after the first 10 minutes of their show I knew: We must do this again, lots of people must hear this! What Fao and Kaa created with their interpretation of rage was like the clashing of a harmless, playful tornado bouncing off the city environment. To watch their furious expressions (Fao with some kind of internal Buddhist trance, Klaus with a sort of comic occupied by the switching of instruments) was the most triggering music event I ever witnessed. For their last show on the rooftop of TCAC (Kaa is leaving for a better tomorrow), they will play an array of acoustic instruments (tabla, various percussions, saxophones, melodica) and use electronics to enhance the sounds of the environment. Small performative hints will guide us, the audience, through their musical interpretations of human emotions like rage (among others), which, by way of our strange imaginative transformation, will come out at the other end as raw energy for the audience to use.

Lets find out where this energy can take us!


Jenny Picco





Klaus Bru 卡 – C Melody Saxophone, Melodica + Analogue Electronics


Klaus Bru (aka Kaa) is a saxophonist, singer, composer, and laptop musician, currently living in Taipei. Kaa was born in Southern Germany. After studying Jazz saxophone at the Music University in Graz, Austria, he lived in Vienna and worked as a freelance saxophonist, performing everything from mainstream jazz and free improvisation to Austrian Folk and Pop music. From Vienna he moved to Berlin, Germany, shifting his focus to sound art, experimental electronics, and film music.

Among the artists he performed with are guitarist Marc Ribot, free jazz drummer Sunny Murray, drummer/composer Lukas Ligeti, and more recently Japanese drummer Sabu Toyozumi, Taiwanese cellist Hui-Chun Lin, and Austrian trumpet player Franz Hautzinger. In Taiwan, he leads the Jazz trio I Have A New Band Now, and works frequently with pianist Shih Yang Lee and the improvisation group Ka Dao Yin (卡 到音).

卡(aka Klaus Bru)- 薩克斯風手,歌手,作曲家,數位音樂家,現居台北。

生 於德國南部近瑞士和奧地利邊界。早期在奧地利格拉茨的音樂 大學學習爵士薩克斯風,之後便定居 於維 也納從事自由薩克斯風手,演出 面 廣含主流爵士至自由即興的奧地利民謠與流行音樂。由維也納搬遷至柏林後,逐漸將重點 轉向 聲音藝術,電子實驗音 樂與 電影配樂。曾 與他共同演出的包含吉他手Marc Ribot,自由爵士鼓手Sunny Murray,鼓手與作曲家Lukas Ligeti,近期的日本鼓手豐住芳三郎(Sabu Toyozumi)。在台灣,他主導著「我有一個新樂團」的爵士三重 奏,並經常與鋼 琴家 李世揚一起工作,他也帶領自 由即 興團體」卡到音」 與」法 步一一六」演唱法國香頌,並經常在城市各角落演奏著薩克斯風。


Fao – Digital Electronics + Tabla, Guqin

Fabian Torres (aka Fao) was born in 1977 in Bogota, Colombia (South America).

Fao studied electroacoustic music and performs on electronic and digital instruments. During his extensive travels in Asia and South America he also studied various acoustic instruments such as guqin, tabla, djembé, hand percussions, kalimba, mouth-harp, didgeridoo, Tibetan singing bowls, etc. Wherever he roams, he likes to perform with local musicians from diverse genres like Noise, electroacoustic and electronic music, Ethnic music, Rock, and Free Improvisation. Fao is also active in performance art and sound art.

Fao – 筆電+聲學儀器

Fabian Torres (aka Fao )生於1977年 南美哥倫比亞波哥大。他主要研究電子音樂,並且經常以 電子 和數位樂器演出。在他廣泛遊歷亞洲與南美的過程中,他也研究各 種聲 響樂器,如古琴,結他印度鼓(tabla),非洲金盃鼓(djembé),打擊樂器,克林巴琴 (kalimba,非洲Bantu 族的一種民族樂 器),口吹豎琴(mouth-harp),迪吉里杜管 (Didgeridoo),西藏頌缽等等。他喜 歡在 所到之處與當地音樂家共同演出來自不同流派的音樂,諸如噪聲、 電 音、民族音樂、搖滾與即興等等。 同時Fao在表演藝術,聲響藝術,裝置藝術上 皆保 持著活躍的發聲。