Open Curatorial Workshop

「2014開放策展工作坊」由台北當代藝術中心與鳳甲美術館聯合主辦。這個工作坊希望創造一個實務與理論並進,具有持續性的的藝術培力平台,由線上活躍於藝術書寫 、 實務策展 、 機構營運的藝評與策展人擔任工作坊的引導者,規劃由策展研究方法 、 田野知識到實務操作的策展學程,著重於實務與理論並進,在正式演說與非正式的交流中,引領學員了解當代策展的環境與操作方式,並將工作坊視為一個跨學院理論文本的實踐平台與討論空間,使潛力策展人能在學院之外得到平行研習的機會。

Taipei Contemporary Art Center and Hong-Gah Museum are pleased to present the 2014 Open Curatorial Workshop. This workshop will create a persistent art-empowering platform based on both practice and theory. Hosted by Taiwanese representative curators and art critics the workshop combines practical and theoretical concepts from curatorial methodology, field research and curating art practice. Throughout the lectures and seminars the curators will help the participants to understand how contemporary curation works and the way it acts. The workshop will also be viewed as a platform where the multidisciplinary contexts are practiced and discussed so that the potential curators can have the alternative learning opportunities beyond the academic structure.