2013.11.22 Gwangju Biennial associate curators: Contemporary Curatorial Practice | 光州雙年展策展團隊演講:當代策展實踐 7-9pm

Gwangju Biennial associate curators: Contemporary Curatorial Practice

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(Speech in English 演講以英文進行)

觀望當前全球各地相繼主辦雙年展的趨勢,其之於當代藝術機制的樞紐項目之一, 此展演場域儼然已發展為各地獨立策展人詮釋其策展概念與當代脈絡之平台,並藉由自身策展實踐注入新的視角。此次TCAC邀請2014光州雙年展策展團隊的兩位策展人Fatos Üstek法托絲‧烏斯德科以及Emiliano Valdés埃米利亞諾‧巴諾達斯,來談談於雙年展的呈現與研究面向之下,他們各自的策展實踐,以及其所關注的當代策展議題。


Fatos Üstek 法托絲‧烏斯德科

Fatos Üstek是來自伊斯坦堡的獨立策展人和藝術評論家,目前居住在英國倫敦。她是土耳其國際藝評人協會(AICA)和獨立策展人國際聯盟(ICI)的會員之一,目前擔任2014年第十屆光州雙年展聯合策展人,也是瑞典林雪坪大學視覺論壇(Vision Forum)客座講師,同時,她定期為Art Review、Camera Austria International、RES Art World / World Art和Art Papers等雜誌撰稿。她是藝術研究組織OuUnpO的核心成員,在視覺論壇(Vision Forum)與皮爾‧赫特納合作策畫《La Duree》,也和安娜‧葛瑞茲負責《 I N F R A》研究計畫。烏斯德科取得伊斯坦堡博加斯奇大學(Bogazici University)數學學士學位後,2008年於英國倫敦大學金匠學院(Goldsmiths College)完成現代藝術理論碩士學位,也獲得電影研究學位。2002到2003年在伊斯坦堡平臺當代藝術中心(Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Centre)擔任助理;2003到2004年於伊斯坦堡Galerist藝術空間擔任展覽協辦人;2006年在法蘭克福藝術協會(Frankfurter Kunstverein)擔任自由作家;2008到2009年在鹿特丹TENT視覺藝術中心駐村策展;2009年參加在斯科埔里的Press to Exit Project Space;2010年參加在科索沃Stacion – Centre for Contemporary Art, Prishtian藝術專案機構。近期的文章刊登在全球藝術與博物館計畫(the Global Art and the Museum)網站、第六屆蒙馬特雙年展書刊和Borusan藝術系列(Borusan Art Collection Book)等。烏斯德科在2008到2012期間為藝術雜誌Nowiswere Contemporary Art Magazine的創始主編,也是Unexpected Encounters Situations of Contemporary Art and Architecture一書的編輯,該書在2000年由Zorlu Center出版,她著作有Confusions,由倫敦Rossi&Rossi委任出版。

Emiliano Valdés 埃米利亞諾‧巴諾達斯

Emiliano Valdés是來自瓜地馬拉的策展人、編輯,也是倫敦&瓜地馬拉文化製片人,現任第十屆光州雙年展聯合策展人和藝術平台(Proyectos Ultravioleta)的合夥董事,而藝術平台(Proyectos Ultravioleta)為提供瓜地馬拉當代藝術一個多面向的實驗平台。近期擔任瓜地馬拉文化中心(Centro Cultural de España en Guatemala)的視覺藝術總策展人,在超過5年的時間內大量策畫國內藝術現場的展出。於2012年參加與Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros機構合作的展覽dOCUMENTA (13);2006至2007年間任職索菲亞王后國家藝術中心博物館(Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía)短期的展覽承辦人;2007到2009年擔任倫敦的當代藝術雜誌Contemporary Magazine主編;2011至2012年間擔任第八屆尼加拉瓜視覺藝術雙年展共同策展人,於2010年擔任第十七屆瓜地馬拉雙年展策展人,並於同年擔任《生境:藝術城市環境和分析》 研討會總監,以及Foto30當代攝影節(2009-2010-2011)藝術總監。巴諾達斯最新的展覽包括位於瓜地馬拉CCE的《萬歲費利斯: 費爾南多伊圖爾維德的繪畫》,Céntrico於2011年的系列評論,於Diet in Miami藝廊的展覽《Mayami Son Machín》,《這讓我害怕,但我喜歡:藝術來自危地馬拉》於巴拿馬城,《創造歷史:瓜地馬拉的西班牙合作的培訓中心》,《國家與城市》,《進展》,《這個故事指日可待》,《Luis Camnitzer:思路安裝》,以及《繪畫:未完成的工程》。

This talk will focus on current trends within ‘Biennials’ which have now become a crucial component in our contemporary art system. The Biennial itself has been developed as a stage for independent curators that allow them the means and the space to explore their curatorial practice in ways that would have otherwise not existed. In this way the Biennial opens up the perspective on how we view and experience curating.
For 2014 Gwangju Biennale the TCAC is pleased to invite associate curators Fatos Üstek and Emiliano Valdés who will present their own curatorial practices as well as discuss the current contexts and concerns surrounding the Biennial as a contemporary curatorial space.

Intro of Speakers

Fatos Üstek

Fatos Üstek is an independent curator and art critic, from Istanbul, currently based in London, UK. She is member of AICA TR and ICI alumni; currently associate curator 10th Gwangju Biennial, 2014; guest tutor at Vision Forum, Linkopings Universitet, Sweden; regular contributor to magazines Art Review, Camera Austria International, RES Art World / World Art and Art Papers. She is a core member of artistic research group OuUnpO and leads research projects La Duree with Per Huttner, I N F R A with Anna Gritz under the framework of Vision Forum.
In 2008 Ustek received her M.A. at the Contemporary Art Theory Department at Goldsmiths College London, after completing her BA in Mathematics at Bogazici University, Istanbul. Additionally, where she also acquired a degree from the Film Studies. She has worked as an assistant at Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Centre, Istanbul (2002-2003); as exhibition coordinator at Galerist, Istanbul (2003-2004); as curatorial assistant at Portikus, Frankfurt am Main (2006); as freelance writer at Frankfurter Kunstverein (2007). She received curatorial residencies at Tent, Rotterdam (2008-2009); press to exit project space, Skopje (2009); Stacion – Centre for Contemporary Art, Pristine (2010). Her recent texts appeared in the Global Art and the Museum website, 6th Momentum Biennial Reader, Borusan Art Collection Book. Ustek acted as founding editor of Nowiswere Contemporary Art Magazine between 2008-2012, is editor of Unexpected Encounters Situations of Contemporary Art and Architecture since 2000 published by Zorlu Center, Istanbul (Turkish Only, 2012; English Only, upcoming); is the author of Book of Confusions, commissioned and published by Rossi&Rossi, London.

Emiliano Valdés

Emiliano Valdés is a curator, editor and cultural producer based in London and Guatemala City. He is currently Associate Curator for the 10th Gwangju Biennale and Co-director of Proyectos Ultravioleta, a multifaceted platform for experimentation in contemporary art in Guatemala City. Until recently, he was Curator/Head of Visual Arts at the Centro Cultural de España en Guatemala where over 5 years he developed an extensive exhibitions program that transformed the artistic scene of the country. In 2012, he was the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Curatorial Fellow at dOCUMENTA (13). He has also been Temporary Exhibition Coordinator at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, (Madrid 2006-2007); Managing Editor at Contemporary Magazines, (London, 2007-2009); Co-Curator of the 8th Bienal de Artes Visuales Nicaragüenses (Nicaragua, 2011-2012); Curator of the 17th Bienal de Arte Paiz (Guatemala, 2010); Director of the seminar ‘Hábitat: Arte contexto y análisis urbano’ (Managua, 2010) as well as Artistic Director of Foto30 (2009-2010-2011), a contemporary photography and image festival in Guatemala City. Amongst his latest exhibitions are: “¡Viva feliz!: The Painting of Fernando Iturbide” at the CCE Guatemala; “Serie Revisiones” at (Ex)Céntrico throughout all of 2011; ‘Mayami Son Machín’ at Gallery Diet in Miami; ‘Me asusta pero me gusta: Arte actual de Guatemala‘, at Diablo Rosso in Panamá City; ‘Hacer la historia’ at the Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española en la Antigua Guatemala; ‘Campo&Ciudad’; ‘¡Progreso!’; ‘Esa historia a la vuelta de la esquina’; ‘Luis Camnitzer: Ideas para Instalar’; and ‘Pintura: El proyecto incompleto’.

(翻譯 / Translation:張堉樺 / Yu Hua Chang)



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