2014.01-12 TCAC Burning Issue V : Strategic Business Plan Public Stakeholders Consultation Focus Group by Kit Hammonds | TCAC 關鍵議題駐村計畫 V: Kit Hammonds – 策略商業規劃公共關係人諮商焦點小組




2014.01-12 TCAC 關鍵議題駐村計畫 V: Kit Hammonds – 策略商業規劃公共關係人諮商焦點小組

2014.01-12 TCAC Burning Issue V :   Strategic Business Plan Public Stakeholders Consultation Focus Group by  Kit Hammonds

(For English please scroll down)

Kit Hammonds


為了要延伸TCAC目前進行中的‘Director in Residence’,Kit Hammonds將為TCAC發展一系列的工作坊及講座,分析不同的商業模式以及它們隱含的意識形態。



屬於當代藝術範疇並審視商業實踐之美學的藝術作品包括連恩吉里克(Liam Gillick)的Big Conference Centre,英國建築師瑟琳康杜瑞利與策展人蓋文韋德(Celine Condorelli & Gavin Wade)的Support Structure,凱莉楊(Carey Young)的Terms and Conditions。另外亦有Golden+Seneby作為批判手段的Headless計畫,以及使用創意產業手法的作品如凱捷管理顧問公司(CapGemini)的加速解決方案環境(Accelerated Solutions Environment)及樂高(Lego)的Real Play.


過去兩年於英國Wysing Arts Centre與藝術家們共同推廣為產業設計的創意工作坊,透過創新的方式重新思考不同機構、組織的目標、責任、管理架構、財務。另外,他在英國皇家藝術學院(Royal College of Art)的當代藝術策展碩士學程教授藝術機構經營、風險管理、及國際資金策略。

TCAC從創立以來,一直持續進行著對於藝術機構創設、贊助、及經營方式的思考及再思考。此次最終的資料將包含工作文件及由藝術家共同書寫完成的書籍。該書將以機構文件的形式由TCAC及倫敦的Publish and be Damned Inprint限量出版。


Strategic Business Plan Public Stakeholders Consultation Focus Group

Kit Hammonds

To extend the TCAC’s current ‘Director in Residence’, Kit Hammonds will perform a service to TCAC’s development by developing a series of workshops and presentations that analyse institutional business models, and the ideological positions they embody. In the TCAC gallery a series of drawing boards will be installed, and each will be used during workshops, presentations and meetings to map and diagram the structures of various business models from anarcho-syndicalism to corporate multinationals. Over the course of the residency, the outcomes of these events will be used as the source material for writing a collective business plan for the future development of TCAC, including financial plans, governance, aims and mission of such an organisation under changing conditions. All events will be public as a form of participation and consultation with ‘stakeholders’ in TCAC: the public, the members, as well as its management and the board of directors. Key questions are: what services are needed for contemporary art in Taipei? Who does TCAC speak for and to? What are its ethics? And what are appropriate and sustainable funding possibilities to provide for its future. Works of art that touch on a field of contemporary art which look at an aesthetics of business practices including Liam Gillick’s works such as ‘Big Conference Centre’, Celine Condorelli & Gavin Wade’s ‘Support Structures’, Carey Young’s ‘Terms and Conditions’ or Golden+Seneby’s ‘Headless’ projects as critical tools alongside creative business tools such as Cap Gemini’s ‘Accelerated Solutions Environment’ or Lego’s ‘Real Play’. The methodology of this project draws on existing business workshop and decision-making processes. These will be employed to structure the workshops and discussions leading towards specific planning documents. In particular it will use visual, creative, artistic and physical methods to create alternative ways of discussing and thinking about the challenges and threats the organisation currently faces, the risks it is equipped to take, and the possibilities for continuing a sustainable and forward-thinking arts organisation. Kit Hammonds has worked over the past 2 years with artists at the Wysing Arts Centre (UK) to facilitate creative workshops for businesses, rethinking organisations’ aims, missions, management structures and financial through creative practices. Likewise, his teaching on the Royal College of Art MA Curating Contemporary Art programme includes examinations of art institutions’ management, governance, as well as risk management and international funding strategy. Kit Hammonds As TCAC began as an artist project, the thinking and rethinking of ways in which art organisations can be structured, funded and run has been a part of its ongoing project. The resulting document will be both working document and collectively authored artist’ book, and will be published in the format of a corporate document by TCAC and Publish and be Damned Inprint, London as a limited edition.