2014.11.1- 11.2 Open Curatorial Workshop | 開放策展工作坊



2014.11.1 Sat — 2014.11.2 Sun   (2014.11.8 Sat 自由選擇參加)

(The Courses are all in Chinese. 課程將全程以中文進行。)

(For English please scroll down.)


「2014開放策展工作坊」由台北當代藝術中心與鳳甲美術館聯合主辦。這個工作坊希望創造一個實務與理論並進,具有持續性的的藝術培力平台,由線上活躍於藝術書寫 、 實務策展 、 機構營運的藝評與策展人擔任工作坊的引導者,規劃由策展研究方法 、 田野知識到實務操作的策展學程,著重於實務與理論並進,在正式演說與非正式的交流中,引領學員了解當代策展的環境與操作方式,並將工作坊視為一個跨學院理論文本的實踐平台與討論空間,使潛力策展人能在學院之外得到平行研習的機會。

這個工作坊作為一個實驗性的領航計劃,以「田野調查」為主題,將理論文本延展至本地的策展實踐與生產環境(包括藝術機構,文化生產與政策等),並作一綜觀性的介紹與分析。全球的藝術生產益發蓬勃,各地以機構 、 雙年展 、 學院所主導開啟的策展課程大量興起,這個工作坊試圖填補台灣當下環境相較于全球當代藝術策展環境所欠缺的相關策展人培力,從在地生產起始,以研究者、實踐者的主體出發,思考從各自有機的策展實踐中所能展開的媒介與想像工程,進行當代策展的實踐與回應當代藝術創作,並對展覽製作本身的研究過程提出更具省思的在地文本。




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方彥翔     王柏偉     呂佩怡     呂岱如     姚瑞中     黃建宏     鄭美雅     龔卓軍(以筆畫排序)


邱俊達     羅文君




1981生於台北,畢業於台灣藝術大學造形藝術研究所,現工作、居住於台北。現為獨立策展人/藝術家,目前從事策展、藝評書寫與創作等多樣的藝術領域。自2002年起參與替代空間(包含「打開-當代藝術工作站」與「乒乓藝術工作站」)之營運,開始了策展工作。曾共同創辦刊物「GAZE當代藝術線上期刊」(GAZE e-journal),現今為「台北當代藝術中心」理事會一員。代表作品包含:2006「築.體.場.境」、2009「Mobile Man」、2012「Post Office」、「自製生活」。


藝評。主要研究領域為媒介理論、當代藝術史、文化與藝術社會學、藝術/科學/科技(AST),與人合譯有Niklas Luhmann所著《愛情作為激情:論親密性的符碼化》(台北:五南),現為台北數位藝術中心研究員、大學兼任講師。


1973年生於台北,研究者,藝評人,策展人。倫敦大學人文與文化研究博士,研究興趣為Off-Site Art(美術館外的藝術實踐),美術館議題,以及當代策展研究,近期將出版《台灣當代藝術策展二十年:一個實驗性的書寫》。並擔任第八屆2014年深圳雕塑雙年展「我們未曾參與」副策展人,以及英國曼徹斯特中國當代藝術中心(CFCCA) 亞洲駐地副策展人,推動理論與實踐並重的當代策展。曾擔任國立台北藝術大學博物館研究所專任助教授,香港中文大學文化管理碩士客座助理教授。目前於台北藝術大學美術學院與台北教育大學藝術與設計系兼課。


呂岱如從事策展與寫作,現居台北。碩士畢業於高德史密斯學院,參與斯德哥爾摩CuratorLab策展實驗室的進修課程與駐村。她的策展實踐關注各種機制與可見度的交互作用,以觀念性的計畫探討藝術的能動性,並在社會場景與藝術平台間梳理另類的藝術生產,探索今日藝術的批判角色與功能。近年的策展計畫包括《物非物》、第55屆威尼斯雙年展平行展《這不是一座台灣館》(2013)等。近期文章散見於藝術家、典藏讀天下、ArtReview Asia等藝術雜誌。




現職國立臺北藝術大學藝術跨域研究所副教授,從事關於影像與策展的研究。同時也書寫電影、當代藝術與表演藝術的評論。並從事法國當代理論,如德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)、布希亞(Jean Baudrillard)與洪席耶等人著作的翻譯。著作有2009年的《COQ》、2010年的《一種獨立論述》、2011年的《EMU》、2013年的《蒙太奇的微笑》,與董冰峰、朱朱、杜慶春合編《從電影看》譯文論集、後藤繁雄合編《渾變》。於2007年開始接觸策展,國美館線上展覽【Ex-ception】、2009年的【S-HOMO】、2009年九月展出的【後地方 :post.o】、2010年與中國OCAT合作策展【從電影看】,以及2011年的【渾變】交流展、視盟藝博會【日光浴】特展。 並於2012年規劃Chim↑Pom【美麗世界:倖存之舞】與【心動EMU】特展、2013【臺灣分裂2.0】、【NG的羅曼史】、2014【運動之後:穆勒咖啡之夜】 。




1966年,龔卓軍出生於台灣嘉義,並在1998年以《身體想像的辯證:尼采‧胡塞爾‧梅洛龐蒂》一文,獲得國立台灣大學哲學博士學位。隨後曾任教於淡江大學通識中心、中山大學哲學研究所。2006年,發表《身體部署:梅洛龐蒂與現象學之後》一書,獲台灣中央研究院年輕學者研究著作獎。2007年起,任教於國立台南藝術大學藝術創作理論研究所。2009年起,擔任《藝術觀點》(ACT)季刊主編。龔卓軍曾翻譯法國哲學家加斯東.巴舍拉的《空間詩學》、以及莫里斯.梅洛龐蒂的《眼與心》。近年來,龔卓軍開始進行當代藝術界的策展工作,曾於2013年於台北誠品畫廊策畫過「Are We Working Too Much?」展覽。



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2014/11/1(六) – 11/2(日)



寶藏巖國際藝術村THAV (台北市中正區汀州路三段230巷14弄2號)


台北當代藝術中心 TCAC (台北市中山區安東街19 -1號)  


1. 年齡國籍不拘。 2. 對策展知識與實務工作有興趣,具有相關藝術或文化機構實務工作經驗,或策展經驗者優先錄取。





1. 即日起至10月15日於線上報名簡章填寫報名表。 2. 將於10月20日另行通知錄取學員,並提供匯款資訊以及課前讀本。 3. 由於工作坊參與人數有限,如報名確認後無故缺席者,所繳費用將不予以退還。

註〕 1. 參加工作坊學員將獲贈藝術家姚瑞中新書「海市蜃樓四」一本。 2. 本工作坊全程以中文授課。3.如有臨時異動,主辦單位將依狀況更動課程順序


彭若瑩 小姐(Miss Jo Ying Peng) E:joyingpeng@tcac.tw T : +886-2-2731-5556


主辦單位:台北當代藝術中心、財團法人邱再興文教基金會 鳳甲美術館








Taipei Contemporary Art Center and Hong-Gah Museum are pleased to present the 2014 Open Curatorial Workshop. This workshop will create a persistent art-empowering platform based on both practice and theory. Hosted by Taiwanese representative curators and art critics the workshop combines practical and theoretical concepts from curatorial methodology, field research and curating art practice. Throughout the lectures and seminars the curators will help the participants to understand how contemporary curation works and the way it acts. The workshop will also be viewed as a platform where the multidisciplinary contexts are practiced and discussed so that the potential curators can have the alternative learning opportunities beyond the academic structure.

As an experimental leading program, the core concept of the workshop is focused on ‘Field Research’. It aims to develop a comprehensive introduction and analysis through investigating current theoretical contexts, local curatorial practice and production environments including art organizations, cultural productions and policies. Considering the currently flourishing art production around the world and the rise of curating courses delivered by organizations such as biennales or academia, this workshop will make up for the lack of a curatorial empowering training system in Taiwan when compared to other counterparts in the world. Besides it will ponder over the medium and imaginary processes of contemporary curating via an organic framework that will, by extension not only respond to contemporary arts’ creations but will, significantly, raise more introspective issues concerning local contexts based on the research of exhibition making.

2014 Open Curatorial Workshop will be delivered through lectures, seminars, practices and field research lead by six hosting curators, who will bring up the key-issue questions regarding the local current curatorial methodology. The workshop will deepen and widen the participants’ comprehension of Taiwanese contemporary art.


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Meiya CHENG, FANG Yen Hsiang, Jow Jiun GONG, HUANG Chien-hung, Esther LU, LU Pei-Yi, Po-Wei WANG, YAO Jui-Chung (in Alphabetical Order)


CHIU Chun-ta Yves, LUO Wen Jun

Intro of Speakers

Meiya CHENG 

Cheng is a freelance curator, and now the chair of Taipei Contemporary Art Center. She lives and works in Taipei. Her selected curated exhibition include : Augmenting the World, (The 6th Taipei Digital Art Festival, international section, 2011)) Trading Futures, (co-curated with Pauline Yao, TCAC, 2012, and 6th Queens International (co-curated with Hitomi Iwasaki, Queens Museum, NYC.) She was invited to participate in forums and seminars include Asia Triennial Manchester, Leipzig Museum of Contemporary Art, and Asia Pacific Triennial. In 2013, she organized “Curating and the Institutions” forum at TCAC, and edited the reader “Does Europe Matter?” (Artco Magazine, part of the program inEurope to the Power of N.)

FANG Yen Hsiang

Fang was Born 1981 in Taipei, Taiwan, he graduated from National Taiwan University of Arts. Currently lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan. As an independent artist/curator works on multiple fields of art practice, FANG starts his curatorial experiences in running the artist initiated space “Open-Contemporary Art Center (OCAC)” and “Pingpong Art Space” from 2002. In recent years, he launched the young art critics assembly “GAZE e-journal”. Now he is one of the board members of “Taipei Contemporary Art Center.” His works includes: “System in Structure”‭(‬2006‭),‬ “Mobile Man” ‭(‬2009‭), ‬“Post Office”,“ Asynchronous Lifeworld”‭(‬2012‭)‬

Jow Jiun GONG 

Born in 1966, GONG got his Ph.D. degree in National Taiwan University, department of philosophy, 1998. The subject of his dissertation is Dialectics between Body and Imagination: Nietzsche, Husserl and Merleau-Ponty. In 2006, he published Dispositif of the Body: Merleau-Ponty and the Limits of Phenomenology which won the Young Scholar Writing Prize of Academia Sinica in 2007. In the same year, he began to teach in the Doctoral Program in Art Creation and Theory of Tainan National University of the Arts. From 2009 on, Jow Jiun GONG has organized Art Critique in Taiwan(ACT) Quarterly Magazine which won the National Publishing Prize in 2011. As a French Philosophy translator, he has translated Gaston Bachelard’s La poétique de l’espace and Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s L’Oeil et l’Esprit into Chinese. And he started his curatorial work “Are We Working too Much?” in 2013, Taipei Eslite Gallery.

HUANG Chien-hung

Associate professor of Taipei National University of Arts, in the Institute of Trans-disciplinary Art. Publication : COQ at 2009, An Independent Discourse at 2010, Trans-Plex Agenda at 2011, EMU at 2012, Smile of Montage at 2013. Also as cinema critics, and the critics for the contemporary art and the spectacl. Translator in Chinese of the books of G. Deleuze, J. Baudrillard and of J. Rancière. Since 2007, work as curator, like Ex→ception at 2007, S-HOMO in the space K’s Art and POST.O in Taipei MoCA at 2009, and the Look by the cinema in OCAT China at 2010, TRANS-PLex and Solarium at 2011, Chim↑Pom’s Beautiful World and Crush on EMU at 2012, Schizophrenia Taiwan 2.0 at 2013, POST-movements at 2014.

Esther LU

Esther Lu is a curator based in Taipei. She received her MA from Goldsmiths College, and participated in Konstfact University’s CuratorLab program. Lu’s practice focuses on creating different interplays with institutions and visibility, and her conceptual projects often address the agency of art and initiate alternative artistic productions in between social scenes and artistic platforms in order to investigate the critical role of art today. Her curatorial projects includeNever odd or eveN (2014), This is not a Taiwan Pavilion (2013) — collateral event in the 55thVenice Biennale, etc. Her recent articles are published in art magazines, including Artist, Artco Journal, ArtReview Asia, etc.

LU Pei-Yi

LU Pei-Yi is an independent researcher and art critic. She awarded PhD in humanity and Cultural Studies from University of London. Her research interests are off-site art, museum studies and curating in theory and practice. Recently, a research-based book Contemporary Art Curating in Taiwan Two Decades is going to be published.  Her publications include “Off-Site Art in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China” Special Issue of Yishu: Journal of Chinese Contemporary Art (2010), the edited book Creating Spaces- Post Alternative Spaces in Asia (2011) and the book Off-Site Art curating. In 2013, she was invited as an Asia-based associate curator of Social Engagement / Relational strand of CFCCA, UK and also as an associate curator of 8th Shenzhen Sculpture Biennale (2014). In the past few years, she had been as an assistant professor of Museum Studies MA, National Taipei University of the Arts and served as a visiting assistant professor in Cultural Management MA, Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is teaching part-time in Fine art school, National Taipei University of the Arts and National Taipei University of Education.

Po-Wei WANG 

Wang is an art critic and a curator, senior researcher of Digital Art Center, Taipei. His research interests include Media Theory, History of Contemporary Art, Sociology of Culture and Art, and Art/Science/Technology (AST). Translated Niklas Luhmann´s Liebe als Passion: Zur Codierung von Intimität into Chinese together with Chin-Hui Chang.

YAO Jui-Chung

YAO Jui-Chung was born in 1969 in Taipei. Graduated from The Taipei National University of the Arts. he represented Taiwan at the Venice Biennale and took part in the International Triennale of Contemporary Art Yokohama, APT6, Shanghai biennial, Shenzhen Sculpture Biennale, Venice Architecture Biennale, Media City Seoul Biennale and Asia Triennial Manchester. Win The Multitude Art Prize on 2013 and 2014 ABF Art Prize. The themes of his works are varied, but most importantly they examine the absurdity of the human condition. also published “Installation Art in Taiwan” ,” The New Wave of Contemporary Taiwan Photography”, ”Roam The Ruins of Taiwan” , “Performance Art in Taiwan”, ”Ruined Islands”, ”Yao Jui-chung”, ”Beyond Humanity”, “Nebulous light”, “Biennial-Hop”, “Mirage Ⅰ&Ⅱ&Ⅲ&Ⅳ“, “Some thing blue“.



Treasure Hill Artist Village (THAV) – 1st Nov, Sat

Polymer – 2nd Nov, Sun

Taipei Contemporary Art Center (TCAC) – 8th Nov, Sat *optional for participants


Organised by: Taipei Contemporary Art Center, Hong-Gah Museum

In collaboration with: Treasure Hill Artist Village, Polymer

Project Researchers: Meiya CHENG , FANG Yen Hsiang,  Jow Jiun GONG, HUANG Chien-hung, Esther LU, LU Pei-Yi, Po-Wei WANG, YAO Jui-Chung

Project manager: PENG Jo Ying

Project assistant: KAO Annie

The workshop publication is partly sponsored by the MINISTRY OF CULTURE








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