2010.08.18 Wednesday Bar: Yerboli Ahmethan & Band | 星期三酒吧 : 葉爾波利與樂隊

08.18 星期三酒吧 : 葉爾波利與樂隊 7pm

憑購買啤酒一瓶150元即可免費進場!!  (入場後啤酒50元)


葉爾波利與樂隊 Yerboli Ahmethan & Band

主唱+冬不拉琴+吉他 /葉爾波利
打擊樂手 /文烽
貝斯手 /廖凱
鼓手 /小宇

Vocal + Dombra + Guitar / Yerboli Ahmethan
Percussion / Wen Feng
E-Bass / Liao Kai
Drums / Xiao Yu

葉爾波利,來自新疆的哈薩克人,1981年出生於阿爾泰。 5歲開始學習傳統民族樂器冬不拉琴,17歲時成為新疆伊犁州歌舞團專業冬不拉樂手, 19歲開始有意識地進行個人創作,並與馬木爾( Mamuer Rayeskan)在北京組成IZ樂隊,在樂隊中擔任主唱。IZ樂隊是許多人認識新疆哈薩克音樂與文化的窗口。

葉爾波利後來離開IZ,南下深圳,展開個人的音樂旅程。在深圳的酒吧,闖蕩城市邊界的音樂歷練,並重組了樂隊,成員包括原來二人組合的搭檔打擊樂手文烽,以及貝司手廖凱、鼓手小宇;除了改編了大量哈薩克民歌 ,他更積極於自己的創作。樂團的風格自由遊走於哈薩克傳統音樂與當代不同音樂元素間,同時也在樂團團員各自遷徙背景下,產生新的敘事方法。

樂團自稱是個具實驗性的多民族民謠組合,試圖把古老哈薩克民歌用各種類型的現代音樂手法傳演,同時賦予新生的能量。葉爾波利的現場演出生動飽滿,傳統歌調、器樂紮實地掌握,與打擊樂手文烽的即興與默契隨時可見,同時融會貫通各類音樂風格,使得這個樂團能從大陸民謠界脫穎而出,值得期待與關注。 他們獨立出版的首張專輯《哈萨克精神 Khazakhteng Ruhe》,是一張錄音與概念上有著樸素質地,又極為耐聽的專輯。近年來,葉爾波利與樂團經常受邀世界各音樂節巡演,所到之處,獲得極高評價。

Yerboli, a Kazakhstani from Xinjiang, was born in Altay in 1981. He started to learn traditional musical instrument dombra when he was five years old and at the age of seventeen became a professional dombra musician in the Dance Band of Xinjiang Ili Prefecture. After he turned nineteen, Yerboli started to be engaged in his personal creations and formed the IZ band in Beijing, in which he was the lead singer, with Mamuer Raveskan. The IZ band has served as the medium through which many people get to know the music and culture of Xinjiang and Kazakhstan.

Yerboli later left IZ and went southward to Shenzhen to continue his journey of music. In bars in Shenzhen City he experienced various stories in the field of music, and he reformed a new band, whose members included his original duel partner – percussion instrument player Wen Feng, Bass player Liao Kai, and drummer Xiao Yu. In addition to adapting abundant Kazakhstani folk songs, he was more involved in his own works. The style of the band swung between Kazakhstani traditional music and different musical elements of modern times, and also, the band kept generating new ways of narrations with the different migratory backgrounds of the members.

The band claimed to be a combination of experimental and multi-ethnical folks, trying to interpret ancient Kazakhstani songs with a variety of contemporary music to endow their music with new power. Yerboli’s live shows are vivid and rich, presenting traditional tunes and practiced playing skills, while Yerboli and Wen Feng’s cooperation and improvisation can be easily seen. Their fusion of different musical features enables them to outshine other groups in the realm of Chinese folk and to be anticipated. Their first independent album Khazakhteng Ruhe is simple and plain in its concepts and recording yet is profound and pleasing. In recent years, Yerboli and Band have been frequently invited to music festivals around the world and received critical acclaim.
