2014.01-12 TCAC Burning Issue IV : Untitled by Lee Kit | TCAC 關鍵議題駐村計畫 IV: 李傑-未命名


2014.01-12  TCAC 關鍵議題駐村計畫 IV: 李傑-未命名

2014.01-12 TCAC Burning Issue IV : Untitled by Lee Kit 

(For English please scroll down)



「我在想有關個體的事情。都是個體。在機構裏的工作的人、前來的觀眾、藝術行業最根本的資源 ﹣ 藝術家、等等,都是個體。然後為甚麼個體之間會生成討論? 這應該先是個體的責任去理清自己在想甚麼,注重甚麼。我都還沒有理清楚的時候,我怎麼可能要求他人去理清楚。但是,在理不清楚的狀態裏面去把感覺化成說法,不就是重點嗎? 如果討論可以理得清楚的話,我們通過藝術到底在做甚麼。有那麼重要嗎?其實沒有,如果一個人不太知道自己在做甚麼。一個個體開始問自己問題的時候,就快可以開始說話了。這是另外一個故事。」


Lee Kit


‘I am thinking about individuals. All of us are individuals. Whoever people working in institutions, the audiences, or say the core part of art industry – the artists, etc, all of them are individuals. Then I started to ask, why we have discussion among us? This should be the responsibility of an individual to clarify what he is thinking and concerning about. How can I demand others to clarify while I am not so sure? Is this the most important part to clarify something that we are not so sure? Why we need art if it could be clarified through discussion. Is that important? The answer is no if one don’t really know what he is doing. Well, an individual starts to talk while he starts to question. But this is gonna be a different story.’