2018.05.16 Mirage VI : Disused Public Property in Taiwan – Book Launch & Discussion
《海市蜃樓 VI – 台灣閒置公共設施抽樣踏查》新書發表暨討論會

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時間:2018.05.16 3pm
地點:台北當代藝術中心 TCAC(台北市大同區保安街49巷11號1F, 捷運大橋頭站)

藝術家姚瑞中攜手「失落社會檔案室」之《海市蜃樓:台灣閒置公共設施抽樣踏查》藝術計畫自2010年開啟,揭露全台超過500座閒置公共設施,歷時八年,於2018年推出的《海市蜃樓VI》,推翻了第五集《海市蜃樓》出版時不再出版的諾言,卻也直指公共空間所面臨的各種問題在政黨輪替後依舊未改善,新書發表會將在2018年5月16日下午三點於台北當代藝術中心 TCAC 舉辦。




— 作者簡介

姚瑞中(YAO Jui-chung)

1994年畢業於國立臺北藝術大學美術系。多年來採取類似DNA曲線的創作模式, 開展出了「身體政治」路線與「空間政治」考察的議題,以檔案學方式進行個人式的國土普查,推出了數個以廢墟為主的創作計劃。2010年成立「失落社會檔案室」,號召學生專注於公共閒置設施的發掘,藉由紀實攝影考掘建築背後的權力運作關係,在特定歷史脈絡下所形成的「政治地理學」概念,指向所有廢墟都是權力鬥爭下失敗的產物。目前為國立台灣師範大學美術系兼任副教授,國立台北藝術大學美術系客座副教授,國家文化藝術基金會董事,幻影堂負責人


— LSD(Lost Society Document,失落社會檔案室)




Mirage VI : Disused Public Property in Taiwan – Book Launch & Discussion

Together with Lost Society Document, artist Yao Jui-chung launched Mirage Project in 2010, which investigated and documented abandoned or/and disused public buildings throughout Taiwan. In 2018, the launch of Mirage VI breaks the promise of closing the series. The revival of Mirage VI indicates the predicament of these public buildings still unsolved. The launch and discussion of Mirage VI will takes place at Taipei Contemporary Art Center (TCAC) on 3pm, May 16, 2018.

March 2017, the Special Act on the Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program was proposed by the DPP government during at the second time of the shift in power within just a year. Although there were many debates and disruptions from the opposition parties and citizens the Act still passed. After the passage of the Act, Mirage VI was born due to the questions and challenges towards the public infrastructure. 

In Mirage VI, a hundred fifteen examples of disused, underutilized, delayed-development or re-activated “Mosquito Halls” are collected. Through photography and publication, art activism once again provoked the society to inspect the ludicrousness of the Act and the fallacies in the policy of public infrastructures. It is not only a reflection of current predicament of these construction projects, but also an opportunity to broaden the eyes of young participants of these projects to see their hometown with a new perspective.

We do hope this is the final edition of Mirage.

姚瑞中(YAO Jui-chung)

Yao Jui-chung graduated from The National Institute of The Arts (Taipei National University of the Arts) with a degree in Art Theory in 1994. His practices combine the politics of body and spaces, investigating and archiving the disused buildings in Taiwan. In 2010, Lost Society Document is founded. It urged students to discover and survey the underutilized infrastructure in Taiwan, demonstrating entangled relations within the existing power structure of politics by photographic documentation. The political geography that is formed in a certain historical context revealed that most disused buildings resulted from political struggles. Yao teaches at the art department of National Taiwan Normal University and National Taipei Fine arts University. He is also a board member of the National Culture and Arts Foundation and the director of The Illusion (幻影堂). 

Artist Website: www.yaojuichung.com 

LSD(Lost Society Document,失落社會檔案室)

LSD is the abbreviation of Lost Society Document. Originally formed as a temporary organization in class taught by Yao in March 2010, LSD invited students to inspect and document their hometowns. About 80 participants involved in the Mirage VI. The majority are students in the art department of National Taiwan Normal University and National Taipei Fine Arts University. They enthusiastically documented disused buildings with the limited photographic apparatuses. 100 disused and underutilized public buildings (including those disused again after re-activated plan,) and 15 on-going re-activating buildings are collected in Mirage VI. Through the first hand photographic documentary and written texts, Mirage VI recorded the unusual situation of local development in Taiwan, calling the attention from the public and the government. It is not only art activism engaged with the civic, but also a reference for the government to amend current policy. 

Website: www.yaojuichung.com/htdocs/?page=lsd

Photo Credit (in Chinese): 高等地方法院台南分院舊宿舍,攝影:楊佩樺。