2018.10.05 Duo Siedl / Cao: The Usual Nexus
Siedl / Cao 雙人組合:日常連結

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時間:2018.10.05(五)7:30 -9 pm


〈日常連結〉也是對聲音藝術、音樂和實驗劇場界面的研究。這種場域特定的作品與其他的行為表演或裝置的不同之處在於 — 安裝裝置的過程本身就是一場行為表演,換句話說,行為表演也是稍縱即逝的聲音裝置內部的一部分。





Duo Siedl / Cao

Duo Siedl / Cao是一組作曲家兼表演者的雙人組合,他們多元的創作領域橫跨作曲,即興,行為表演和聲音裝置等。在最近的作品中,他們以電子音效作為主要的表達手段,並且在現場表演的情境中探索表演性。

Duo Siedl / Cao 是獲得知名項目「奧地利新音樂之聲」2018 – 2019年度當代音樂類別提名的五組團體之一。。他們最近的音樂劇場〈The fifth cardinal direction〉預定於2018年在 Operadagen Rotterdam 和 Musiktheatertagen Vienna 進行演出。

The Usual Nexus

Time:2018.10.05 Fri. 7:30 -9 pm
Venue:Taipei Contemporary Art Center

The Usual Nexus reflects on the dualities between being and doing, between human and machine, the visible and the invisible, being stylized and being natural, intentional and unintentional performance, being direct and indirect.

The Usual Nexus is a research on the interface between sound art, music and experimental theatre. This site-specific work is different from other performances and installations in the way that the process of installing the artwork is the performance itself, in other words, the performance is an integral part of the transient sound installation.

The mechanism of energy transformation through a series of connectors (nexus) and its occurring artefacts plays an important role in the work, e.g. changes of light create movements of a servo motor and in turn creates electro-acoustic sounds, and vice versa. The two artists believe in the philosophy that things are found in the process rather than at the target itself. Therefore their focus is on the process of constructing, triggering, transforming and translating one form of energy or signal to the other.

Transdisciplinary work for 2 performers, sensors, motors, lights, modular synthesizer, objects and midi algorithm.

Duration: 45 minutes

More infos and video: https://siedlcao.com/the-usual-nexus/

The Artists
Duo Siedl/Cao

Duo Siedl/Cao is a composer-performer ensemble that ranges in the field between composition, improvisation, performance and sound-installation. In their recent works they explore electro-acoustic sound as means of expression and reflect on performative aspects of a live performance situation.

Duo Siedl/Cao is one of the 5 groups from Austria that are selected for the renowned program New Austrian Sound of Music 2018-2019 in the category Contemporary Music. Their recent music theatre “The fifth cardinal direction” has been selected to be presented at Operadagen Rotterdam and Musiktheatertagen Vienna in 2018.