2018.10.07 A Talk With Vanessa-Tatjana Beerli and Lori Malépart-Traversy
魁北克女性影人 Vanessa-Tatjana Beerli 與 Lori Malépart-Traversy 分享

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魁北克女性影人 Vanessa-Tatjana Beerli 與 Lori Malépart-Traversy 分享

時間:2018.10.07 (日) 2 – 5pm

本場座談將由加拿大魁北克紅地毯電影協會執行長 Vanessa-Tatjana Beerli 分享創辦該組織的緣起與身為導演經歷的分享。導演 Lori Malépart-Traversy 將呈現數部短片。兩人會以對談形式共同分享在魁北克電影圈與電影政策現況,特別是女性導演以及其他女性電影從業人員包括編劇、製片等的處境,以及討論如何提升女性電影從業人員的能見度與電影圈內的性別平等的可能性。


Vanessa-Tatjana Beerli
Vanessa-Tatjana Beerli 曾執導數部短片,並於2007年成立紅地毯電影協會(Ciné Tapis Rouge),促進魁北克和國際間的電影交流。至今,共有800部電影於魁北克和20個夥伴國家播放。

在2018年,Vanessa 幫助一個人道主義組織在海地舉辦電影節,之後決定回歸電影導演身份。她在海地與中國各製作了一部短片。Vanessa 也正在拍攝她的第一部關於5大洲15個國家的電影風貌與發展的紀錄片。

Lori Malépart-Traversy
Lori Malépart-Traversy(1991)是加拿大蒙特婁的動畫電影導演。她畢業於蒙特婁康考迪亞大學,主修電影動畫和視覺藝術。她的動畫短片《The Clitoris》,《Sparky Ketchup》,《Extra Mushrooms》在過去的幾年於在許多影展中放映。 2016年,Lori 共同執導了三部關於認識性暴力的短片,該計畫由康考迪亞大學委託進行。她也參與其他動畫電影製作,擔任助理和描線員。Lori現在在加拿大國家電影局製作一部以女性自慰為主題的影片。



圖片版權:Lori Malépart-Traversy,The Clitoris。




A Talk With Vanessa-Tatjana Beerli and Lori Malépart-Traversy

Time: 2018.10.07 Sun. 2 – 5pm
Venue: Taipei Contemporary Art Center

A talk with the general director of Ciné Tapis Rouge, Vanessa-Tatjana Beerli and the director Lori Malépart-Traversy. Beerli will share the history of Ciné Tapis Rouge and her experience as a filmmaker. Malépart-Traversy will present several short films. Then followed with a discussion about the profession of filmmaker in Québec film scene and related film policy. They will also address the promotion of films and status of the female film talents, and how to increase the representation of women in the cinema and gender parity of the key positions, including script writer, director and producer.

About The Presenters

Vanessa directs several short films and decided in 2007, to found Ciné Tapis Rouge to create cinematographic exchanges between Quebec and various countries abroad. Today, 800 movies have traveled between Quebec and 20 partner countries.

In 2018, Vanessa is helping a humanitarian organization to start a film festival in Haiti and decided to make a come-back as a filmmaker. She makes a short film in Haiti and another in China. Vanessa also officially begins working on her first feature film, a documentary about cinema around the world that will bring together more than 15 countries on 5 continents.

Lori Malépart-Traversy
Lori Malépart-Traversy (1991) is an animation film director from Montreal, Canada. She studied in film animation and visual arts at Concordia University (Montreal). Her animated short films The Clitoris, Sparky Ketchup, Extra Mushrooms. They have been presented in many festivals throughout the past years. In 2016, Lori co-directed three short videos for a sexual assault awareness campaign commissioned by Concordia University. She also collaborated to other animated films as an assistant and inker. She is now working on a new film project on the theme of female masturbation at the National Film Board of Canada.

*The talk will be conducted in English, with Mandarin interpreter.

The event is made possible by Canadian Trade Office in Taipei.

Image Credit: Lori Malépart-Traversy, still of The Clitoris.

Intern Yi-yang Feng contributed to the photography of this event.