2018.08.11-12,09.29-30 2018 Curatorial School: Learning From Peers
2018 策展學校:向同儕學習


由台北當代藝術中心與鳳甲美術館合辦,鄭美雅與蘇珀琪共同主持,2018 策展學校「向同儕學習」8月11、12日與9月29、30日兩個週末於台北當代藝術中心舉行。今年邀請到22位來自台灣各地年輕一代的文化工作者們,分享各自的計畫與實踐。本屆策展學校透過與參與者對話的前導過程,逐漸勾勒出表演與行動、文化與藝術史研究、動態影像策展、社區社群導向實踐的四大主題。希望藉由20分鐘的快速介紹與同儕間的共享共研的對話形式,明確而清楚地梳理各項主題在實踐上的現狀。「向同儕學習」不僅希望彼此串連形成新生代的實踐行動者網路,同時齊聚在全台各地的文化工作者,呈現台灣當代藝術活力多彩的實踐圖景。

參與者|楊雅翔 陳孝齊 李奧森 林珣甄 謝杰樺 林正尉 阮永翰 黃翔 洪秉綺 葉佳蓉 陳璽安 葉杏柔 方彥翔 賴依欣 李雨潔 邱俊達 蔡奕勳 黃又文 何尉民 林木材 許耀文 黃香凝  森人-太魯閣藝駐計劃

時間:2018.08.11-12,09.29-30, 1-7pm.



Co-hosted by Taipei Contemporary Art Center (TCAC) and Hong-gah Museum, 2018 Curatorial School: Learning From Peers occurs on August 11, 12 and September 29, 30 at TCAC. Directed by Meiya Cheng and Frankie Su, this year the curatorial school invites 22 curators and young professionals around Taiwan to share their projects and practices. Through the preschool bilateral conversation, the four themes of Learning From Peers emerge: performance and action, cultural research versus art history research, curation of moving-image and beyond, as well as community-oriented and/or non-taipei based practices. Learning From Peers takes the fast-pace approach, each presentation in 20 minutes and discussion in 10 minutes, thus to establish an effective and explicit dialogue. It not only creates a network that connects practitioners in different disciplines and geographic areas, but also presents the scene of contemporary art in Taiwan.   

Participants: Ya-Siang Yang, Siao-chi Chen, Val Lee, Janette Hsun-Chen Lin, Jeff Hsieh, Lin Chen-wei, YungHan Juan, Iris Hung, Zoe Yeh, Hsiang Huang, Zian Chen, Hsing-jou Yeh, Fang Yen Hsiang, Nicole Lai, Yu-chieh Li, Yves Chiu, Eason Tsai, Erica Huang, Wei-ming Ho, Wood Lin, Wen Hsu, Hsiang Ning Huang and Tree Tree Tree Person – Taroko Arts Residency Project. 

Time: 2018.08.11-12,09.29-30, 1-7pm.

Veneu: Taipei Contemporary Art Center