2020.10 The Tenth Anniversary of TCAC | Transient Response
Crosstalk Effect #2: Tó-hoo Tsheh-tiàm
2020.10 TCAC十週年 | 暫態響應
〈串擾〉單元#2: 島呼冊店

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TCAC十週年 | 暫態響應

〈串擾〉效應#2: 島呼冊店

2020.10 – 11

TCAC 十週年系列活動《暫態響應》,〈串擾〉單元將由TCAC的策展人游擊至不同單位工作與棲息。第二回合由 TCAC 策展人徐詩雨回到自己曾經居住過五年的城市嘉義。這座城市在2020年迎來一座新的市立美術館,在這即將生長的藝術生態圈中,也有各種有趣的複合型空間舉辦講座、放映等活動。這次的拜訪,我們將在嘉義美術館的開館時刻,進駐一個特別的空間 — 島呼冊店。它是一間有賣書的豆漿店,也是嘉義關注當地公共議題的重要空間之一。透過這次進駐,我們試圖觀察在嘉義經營空間的生存之道。

TCAC十週年 | 暫態響應

在電子工程學中,暫態響應指極短時間內系統離開穩定狀態發生的變化。與系統相關的事件都將影響這個效應,系統也終將回歸平衡。十年前,台北當代藝術中心(TCAC)從一個台北雙年展的作品開始,在眾多藝術家、策展人、學者、文化實踐者致力共同合作之下正式成立。TCAC是台北與台灣藝術生態系統中的一起事件,可被視為一個驅動質變的力量。時間的長與短取決於觀察者的尺度,有的時候,十年即是一瞬。2020年,這個全球局勢因為疫情而產生劇烈變動時刻,TCAC 將以一系列(非)生產性的計畫,回顧過去,同時試圖理解與建構這個新現實。

〈串擾〉單元是一個不定期的 TCAC 游擊計畫,TCAC 的策展人將出擊到不同的微型機構,包括台北以外的地區。我們選擇的地點或許未冠上「藝術中心」的名稱,卻實踐著我們心目中的「藝術中心」。作為 TCAC 成立十週年任職內部的策展人,我們又是怎麼思考十年前在〈一個當代藝術中心,台北(提案)〉 所扣問的:一個台北當代藝術中心應該是?可以是?能夠是?



The Tenth Anniversary of TCAC | Transient Response 

Crosstalk Effect#2: Tó-hoo Tsheh-tiàm



Taipei Contemporary Art Center (TCAC) celebrates its tenth anniversary with a series of programs called Transient Response. As a part of the program, Crosstalk is a migratory project that TCAC curators will go to different institutions to work and inhabitat. Curator Shih-yu Hsu will go to Chiayi, where she lived for 5 years. In 2020, the city welcomed its first art museum. With the growing art circle, several multi-function spaces in the city played the role of hosting screenings and talks. For our stop in Chiayi, we head to Tó-hoo Tsheh-tiàm, a soymilk store as well as a bookstore. It is also one of the important spots for learning and discussing social issues in Chiayi. For this visit, we would like to learn more about behind-the-scenes in running a space in Chia-yi.

The Tenth Anniversary of TCAC | Transient Response

In electronic engineering, transient response refers to the temporary change that happens within a short period of time after a system leaves its steady state. All affiliated events affect responses, and the system eventually returns to a steady state again. Ten years ago, Taipei Contemporary Art Center (TCAC) began as an artwork in Taipei Biennale and was then officially founded with enormous efforts by many artists, curators, scholars and cultural practitioners. 

The inception of TCAC could be viewed as one of the events in Taipei and in Taiwan, that marked a strand of force for change in the art system. Ten years sometimes could be seen as a short period of time. Time is relative and depends on the perspective of an observer. In 2020, a time of drastic change, marked by pandemics, TCAC will launch a series of (un)productive programs to reflect the past and also to comprehend and construct a new reality. 

Crosstalk is a series of sporadic migratory projects. The curators of TCAC will go to different institutions to work and inhabitat, including those outside Taipei. The institutions we choose might not have “art center” in the name, but their programs produce and realize what we thought of an art center. Working as curators in TCAC with its 10-year-long history, how do we now answer the questions raised in A Contemporary Art Center in Taipei (a proposal)? A contemporary art center is ______, should _______, could ________, would ________.