2019.10.06 Trading Zone VI: The Politics of Urban Space – Insights From Beijing’s Independent Art Scene
交易地帶 VI:「城市空間的政治」 – 北京獨立藝術空間場景分享

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∞ 交易地帶 VI ∞  「城市空間的政治」 – 北京獨立藝術空間場景分享

時間:2019.10.06 Sun. 4-6pm

地點:台北當代藝術中心 TCAC (台北市大同區保安街49巷11號1樓,近捷運大橋頭站)

講者:Antonie Angerer 與 Anna-Viktoria Eschbach, I: project space 與 北京獨立藝術空間創辦人。



I: project space 和北京獨立藝術空間的創始人 Antonie Angerer 和 Anna-Viktoria Eschbach 將深入介紹北京的非營利與非商業的替代空間,同時也呈現 I: project space 長程研究項目 Beijing22,該計畫正在研究2022年奧運會之前的五年中北京城市空間的最新動態。




關於I: project space

 I: project space 是當代藝術機構可能性的一種拓展,藉由一個獨立實踐伴隨的自由實現。最終,它匯集了Antonie Angerer和Anna-Viktoria Eschbach的策展、研究、出版活動。著重於開放式對話,I: project space旨在促進實驗、合作和跨學科的交流。他們的研究也出現在一些機構的場外項目中,包括寺上美術館(北京)、中央美術學院美術館(北京)、尤倫斯當代藝術中心(北京)、Kunsthalle Baden-Baden (巴登—巴登)、basis (法蘭克福) & spaces such as Loris (柏林), On Screen Today (紐約), 4A Contemporary (雪梨) 與 Swimming Pool (索非亞)







∞ 交易地帶 VI ∞ :以移動交換空間

TCAC 2019 年將以「交易地帶」(Trading Zone)串連點狀活動,試圖在挖掘不定期與偶發的點狀活動中蘊含著隱而未現的關聯。引用自科學哲學家彼得‧加里森(Peter Galison)提出的「交易地帶」,該理論提出不同領域的人在進行知識交換時,如同說著不同語言的人在進行貿易行為。而「交易地帶」則是不同領域的人達到區域性協調的地帶。這不單是空間指向的概念,也是知識在局部領域內得以交換與各取所需的象徵。



∞ Trading Zone VI ∞ The Politics of Urban Space – Insights From Beijing’s Independent Art Scene 

Time: 2019.10.06 Sun. 4-6pm

Venue: Taipei Contemporary Art Center (1 Fl, No.11, Lane 49, Baoan Street, Datong District, 10346 Taipei)

Presenter: Antonie Angerer and Anna-Viktoria Eschbach, founder of I: project space and Independent Art Spaces Beijing


Beijing is the petri dish for a growing network of new and alternative art platforms in all sorts of environments. But under the threat of a layering of top-down policies disguised as “neighborhood improvements” and big-scale urban changes these spaces are in a constant flux, confronted with fast-pace shut downs and needs to reimagine a future that is unclear.

Antonie Angerer and Anna-Viktoria Eschbach, founder of I: project space and Independent Art Spaces Beijing, will give an insight into Beijing’s patchwork of alternative, non-profit and non-commercial galleries and further give an insight into I: project spaces long-term research project Beijing22, which is investigating the dynamics of Beijing’s urban space in the five years preceding the Olympic Games in 2022.

*The event will be conducted in English.

**The event is supported by Goethe Institute Beijing and Goethe Institute Taipei.


About I: project space

I: project space is an augmentation of what a contemporary art institution can be, by using the freedom that comes along with running an independent practice. Ultimately, it brings together Antonie Angerer’s & Anna-Viktoria Eschbach’s curatorial, research and publishing activities. By placing emphasis on the open dialogues, I: project space looks to foster experimentation, collaboration and inter-disciplinary exchange.

Their research also emerges within offsite projects at institutions including Si Shang Art Museum (Beijing), CAFAM (Beijing), UCCA (Beijing), Kunsthalle Baden-Baden (Baden-Baden), basis (Frankfurt) & spaces such as Loris (Berlin), On Screen Today (New York), 4A Contemporary (Sydney) and Swimming Pool (Sofia).



About Beijing22

Beijing22 is an open, independent, long-term curatorial project, which will investigate the dynamics of Beijing’s urban space in the five years preceding the Olympic Games in 2022. Over this timespan, Beijing22 manifests itself in exhibitions, publications, talks, conferences and other activities, thereby archiving the various perspectives of artists, curators, academics and journalists from China and abroad.

The core element of Beijing22 is an online forum for artistic and scientific positions and a publicly accessible archive accompanying urban changes in a parallel and discursive manner. The city, cultural policies, the image of Beijing and individual perspectives and testimonies are captured and curated in response to one of the greatest urban developments in recent history. The material helps us to comprehend and reflect on the changing city and contextualize it with references from a variety of disciplines such as art, architecture, city planning, sociology, philosophy, journalism, psychology etc.



Trading Zone 6: Trading Movement with Space

In 2019, TCAC will connect the happenings with the thematic idea “trading zone,” uncovering the hidden interdependence in between. Proposed by scholar Peter Galison, trading zone is often to denote the new language that is formed in the expertises among different disciplines. It is not only a metaphor for a physical space, but also how and where the knowledge to exchange and be built among different disciplines and practices.

In the sixth exchange in Trading Zone, we trade movement with space. The movement of body creates a space. But could the movement of a space accommodate more bodies? How do we achieve the balance in a precarious socio-political circumstance?