2019.12.07 ∞ Trading Zone VII ∞ Golden Trash – Future Past
∞ 交易地帶 VII ∞ 未來即過去,垃圾變黃金

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∞ 交易地帶 VII ∞  未來即過去,垃圾變黃金

時間:2019.12.07 Sat. 4-6pm
地點:台北當代藝術中心 TCAC (台北市大同區保安街49巷11號1樓,近捷運大橋頭站)
講者:藝術家組合 Super Eclectic 

GOLDEN TRASH-FUTURE PAST 這個計畫旨在提高人們對金礦開採和日漸老化的科技技術所帶來的嚴重影響的認識。但更重要的是,這些現象也反映我們如何通過對過去的記憶進行無休止的重新定義來豐富自己的現在和未來:各種各樣的事物、地點、活動和代表我們的人。藝術家組合 Super Eclectic 將與當地民眾合作,從電子廢棄物中回收黃金,並將其重新融入至其他物品中。在本次的座談,Super Eclectic 將介紹他們最近的項目。

**本活動獲得  支持。


關於 Super Eclectic

目前居住與生活於芬蘭赫爾辛基的 Agnieszka Pokrywka 和Humberto Duque 移植自世界不同地區:波蘭的波茲南與墨西哥城。作為一個工作團隊,他們被稱為Super Eclectic。

Agnieszka 在藝術實踐中結合了藝術、科技和科學。藉由參與性項目,她融合各種元素以揭示新的涵義,並且質疑人文與科學這兩個學科之間的界線。Humberto 的創作橫跨多項媒材,包括行為、聲音、電影、電動遊戲與建築。他的作品將流行文化作為符號在幾近不可能的狀態下重新定位,並且以批判且帶著點幽默的尖銳展開隨之而來對文化認同的探討。


∞ 交易地帶 VII ∞ :以垃圾交換黃金

TCAC 2019 年將以「交易地帶」(Trading Zone)串連點狀活動,試圖在挖掘不定期與偶發的點狀活動中蘊含著隱而未現的關聯。引用自科學哲學家彼得‧加里森(Peter Galison)提出的「交易地帶」,該理論提出不同領域的人在進行知識交換時,如同說著不同語言的人在進行貿易行為。而「交易地帶」則是不同領域的人達到區域性協調的地帶。這不單是空間指向的概念,也是知識在局部領域內得以交換與各取所需的象徵。





∞ Trading Zone VII ∞ Golden Trash – Future Past


Time: 2019.12.07 Sat. 4-6pm
Venue: Taipei Contemporary Art Center (1 Fl, No.11, Lane 49, Baoan Street, Datong District, 10346 Taipei)
Presenter: Super Eclectic (Agnieszka Pokrywka and Humberto Duque)

GOLDEN TRASH-FUTURE PAST aims to raise awareness on the serious implications of gold mining and aging technology. But above all, it is a reflection on how we can enrich our own present and future through a never-ending redefinition of our past memories: a diversity of things, places, activities, and people that represent who we are. Artist duo Super Eclectic will collaborate with local residents to recycle gold from electronic waste and re-integrate it into other objects. In this talk, Super Eclectic will introduce their recent projects. 


*The event will be conducted in English.
**The event is supported by   

About Super Eclectic

Agnieszka Pokrywka and Humberto Duque are transplants from different parts of the world: Poznan, Poland, and Mexico City, who are based in Helsinki, Finland. As a working team they are known as Super Eclectic.

In her artistic practice, Agnieszka combines art, technology, and science. Through participatory projects, she merges various elements to reveal new meanings and question the limits between humanistic and scientific disciplines. Humberto is a multidisciplinary artist working with performance, sound, film, video-games, and architecture. His work relocates pop-culture symbols in improbable situations, bringing forth issues that revolve around cultural identity in a critical, yet mordant way.


Trading Zone 7: Trading Waste with Gold

In 2019, TCAC will connect the happenings with the thematic idea “trading zone,” uncovering the hidden interdependence in between. Proposed by scholar Peter Galison, trading zone is often to denote the new language that is formed in the expertises among different disciplines. It is not only a metaphor for a physical space, but also how and where the knowledge to exchange and be built among different disciplines and practices.

In the seventh exchange in Trading Zone, we trade waste with gold. Turning trash into gold is a common campaign in Taiwan. Does this finally become reality? In this exchange, we aims at exploring our obsession with newness and how material transforms itself in different formats.