Luo Jr- Shin ::: Some Golden Liquid Turning into Another

Some Golden Liquid Turning into Another
Luo Jr- Shin

22 Sep 2018, Saturday
18:00-21:00 hrs.

Venue: Vernacular Institute (Benjamin Franklin 50, Casa C, Escandón, Mexico City, MX 11800)

This is a monologue of a urinal.

A urinal is an object that allows fluid to pass through it. A filter and a keeper of secrets, it resides inconspicuously in the corner, tenderly waiting. A urinal reflects the human body, a vehicle through which matter travels. A restroom, although with a specific functionality, exhibits a duality. Both private and public it makes room for socialization.

Secrets cannot be kept forever.They find a way out.

From Some Golden Liquid Turning into Another is a sequel to Luo Jr-Shin’s project Like a Urinal in a Nightclub. Looking at the deconstruction of materials, this transformation is not unlike the process of encoding, encryption, and decoding. Moreover it proposes metaphorical thingness as a means to break down meanings of material and the space where the social sphere appears. By deconstruction, reconstruction and discussion of matter, it reflects how people’s mind intervene in things. The analysis of the material is a crucial method in Luo’s practice to investigate human being.





地點:Vernacular Institute(Benjamin Franklin 50, Casa C, Escandón, Mexico City, MX 11800)








