2018.05.20 Urban Nomad x TCAC Shamans of the Anthropocene: A Conversation About Joseph Beuys
城市遊牧影展xTCAC 人類世中的薩滿:關於波伊斯的一個討論

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時間:2018.05.20 (日) 3:45 – 5pm
地點:GoodNine Cafe
合辦:TCAC 台北當代藝術中心


城市遊牧影展將在5月20日推出《狂人波伊斯》(2017, 德國)全台首映,此座談將邀請藝術家彭弘智, 藝術史學者李雨潔和謝佩霓,一同探討波伊斯的創作如何吸納來自各個非藝術領域的觀念,反向思考在現下人類世的危機中,藝術家是否能夠成為新薩滿?該座談由台北當代藝術中心協助策劃。


Shamans of the Anthropocene: A Conversation About Joseph Beuys

Time: 2018.05.20 (Sun.) 3:45 – 5pm
Place: GoodNine Cafe
Address:  9F #116 Hanzhong St, Taipei
Partner: TCAC 
Register: https://goo.gl/PPQirL

The discussion will be presented in Mandarin.

Following the Taiwan premier of the film BEUYS (2017) at Urban Nomad, this panel discussion organized by TCAC (Taipei Contemporary Art Center) will invite artist Peng Hung-chih and art historians Li Yu-Chieh and Beatrice Hsieh to discus Beuys and his art. The conversation will take as a starting point the art of Joseph Beuys and how his work absorbed ideas from non-art fields, then reflect on current crisis facing humanity, and ask whether artists might become the new shamans?

Credit: Stills from Beuys.