2015.04.30, 05.15 Hong Kong Workshop: Property, Protest, Commons and Alternative Economies of Art 香港工作坊-財產、抗爭、公/共以及藝術的另類經濟


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「方興未艾的私營博物館、個人利益對公共機構日益增加的影響力,以及破壞現有社區和社會價值的地產發展,構成三股看似無法仰止的趨勢。我們在這龐大的勢力跟前,如何尋找具頑強生命力的公共文化?」— Marysia Lewandowska 及呂岱如




工作坊為《公/共製造》(Made in Public)出版項目的研究部分,為文獻庫與駐場藝術家 Marysia Lewandowska 及策展人呂岱如的合作項目,探討私有化進程如何影響日常生活,並嘗試連繋個別工作單位,合力想像一個共同的未來。



香港上環荷李活道233號荷李活商業中心10樓亞洲藝術文獻庫 A Space


10:30-11am 歡迎辭


Marysia Lewandowska呂岱如(《公/共製造》合辦者)

11-11:30am 環節(一)| 11:30am-12:15pm 工作坊

Hammad Nasar(亞洲藝術文獻庫研究及項目總監)

12:15-12:45pm 環節(二)| 12:45pm-1:15pm 放映環節


2:15-3:15pm 環節(三) | 3:15-4:15pm 工作坊


張嘉莉(藝術家、香港 C&G 藝術單位)

4:30-5:30pm 環節(四)| 5:30-6pm 工作坊

Antony Hudek(倫敦 Raven Row 聯合總監)




地點:Spring 工作室

11-11:45am 歡迎辭及介紹


Marysia Lewandowska呂岱如(《公/共製造》合辦者)

11:45am-1pm 環節(一)

Brandon LaBelle(駐柏林、挪威卑爾根藝術家及教育工作者)


1-2pm 午休 | 貝明湄(Spring 工作室創辦人及總監)致辭


2-3pm 環節(二)

Maria Lind(斯德哥爾摩 Tensta 藝術中心總監)

梁志剛(藝術家、香港 HK Farm)

3-4pm 工作坊

小組討論組長:Brandon LaBelle、黃宇軒、Maria Lind、梁志剛

4-4:15pm 茶歇

4:15-6pm 工作坊總結及公開討論




贊助:國家文化藝術基金會、Foundation for Art Initiatives (FfAI) 及 Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA)

設計伙伴:倫敦 Luke Gould

特別鳴謝:Spring 工作室

香港場次為亞洲藝術文獻庫十五周年節目項目之一,由何善衡慈善基金會有限公司及 C.K. & Kay Ho Foundation 慷慨贊助。亞洲藝術文獻庫由香港藝術發展局支持,15 Invitations是香港藝術發展局20週年慶系列活動。


‘The endless proliferation of private museums, heightened influence of private interests infiltrating public institutions, and ongoing property development destroying existing neighbourhoods and their social values seem unstoppable. Where can we find a thriving public culture in the wake of such an overwhelming levelling force?’ —Marysia Lewandowska and Esther Lu

Property, Protest, Commons, and the Alternative Economies of Art is a series of public workshops in Hong Kong and Taipei involving artists, filmmakers, curators, architects, and writers engaged in alternative production and dissemination models based on generosity and sharing. Envisioned as a collaborative endeavour exploring how to enrich the public realm and actively produce the commons, participants uncover the role property plays in the rapid globalisation of Asia and its consequences for public culture.

The workshops serve as a process of research leading to a collectively generated publication Made in Public, a collaboration between AAA resident artist Marysia Lewandowska and curator Esther Lu. The project responds to the process of privatisation influencing daily life, and attempts to make connections between isolated practices to contribute to imagining a shared future.


30 April 2015 Programme
Venue: A Space, Asia Art Archive, 10/F, Hollywood Centre, 233 Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Welcome & Introductions: 10:30-11am
Ingrid Chu, AAA Public Programmes Curator
Marysia Lewandowska & Esther Lu, Co-organisers, Made in Public

Session I: 11-11:30am | Workshop: 11:30am-12:15pm
Hammad Nasar, AAA Head of Research & Programmes

Session II: 12:15-12:45pm | Screening: 12:45pm-1:15pm
Isaac Leung, Artist, Curator, and Researcher, Hong Kong

Session III: 2:15-3:15pm | Workshop: 3:15-4:15pm
Phoebe Wong, Critic, Hong Kong
Clara Cheung, Artist, C&G Artpartment, Hong Kong

Session IV: 4:30-5:30pm | Workshop: 5:30-6pm
Antony Hudek, Co-director, Raven Row, London
Michelle Wong, AAA Researcher

Closing Remarks


15 May 2015 Programme
Venue: Spring Workshop, 3/F Remex Centre, 42 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Welcome & Introductions: 11-11:45am
Ingrid Chu, AAA Public Programmes Curator
Marysia Lewandowska & Esther Lu, Co-organisers, ‘Made in Public’

Session I: 11:45am-1pm
Brandon LaBelle, Artist and Educator, Berlin, Germany and Bergen, Norway
Sampson Wong, Umbrella Movement Visual Archive and Research Collective (UMVARC), Hong Kong

Lunch: 1-2pm | Remarks by Mimi Brown, Founder & Director, Spring Workshop: 1:50-2pm

Session II: 2-3pm
Maria Lind, Director, Tensta konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden
Michael Leung, Artist, HK Farm, Hong Kong

Workshop: 3-4pm
• Group Leaders: Brandon LaBelle, Maria Lind, Michael Leung, and Sampson Wong

Break: 4-4:15pm

Workshop Report & Open Discussion: 4:15-6pm

Closing Remarks


Co-presented by Asia Art Archive and Taipei Contemporary Art Center

Supported by Foundation for Art Initiatives (FfAI), National Culture and Arts Foundation, Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA), and Spring Workshop

Graphic Design Partner: Luke Gould, London

The Hong Kong workshops are part of 15 Invitations, Asia Art Archive’s 15-Year Anniversary programme, generously supported by the S. H. Ho Foundation Limited and the C. K. & Kay Ho Foundation. AAA is supported by The Hong Kong Arts Development Council. 15 Invitations is part of the ADC 20th Anniversary Celebration Series.